View Full Version : Partition type line SOLVED!

2007-10-09, 04:15 PM
This takes three easy steps and it works better than the wall hatch that I used to use like everyone else.

1. Create a tiny profile - maybe 1/2" wide by 1/4" tall.
2. Use that profile as a wall sweep that is centered at the base of the wall.
3. Set up a filter that changes the projection display of a wall to the rated line of your choice. It makes sense to use a wall rating parameter as the filter.

Revit will read the profile as a wall edge in projected view while at the same time showing the cut view of the wall edge. The only catch is that the view must be wireframe - but this is usually not a problem for life safety plans. You can even trace the lines in wireframe if you have to use hidden line view.


Chirag Mistry
2007-10-09, 04:55 PM
Or alternate method,

1. Create fill patterns for 1 hour, 2 hour
2. Use this as the cut pattern for your wall
3. Set up filters similarly


2007-10-09, 06:33 PM
The fill patterns are not as flexible and more painful to customize. This way we can have the rated line be any linestyle we can think of. Plus the fill patterns cannot curve.

2007-10-11, 01:13 AM
I think the solution you propose is elegant, however, would a solid fill color work? Color plotting or prinint is very common and getting to be more so... Does your solution work in section too?


2007-10-11, 04:51 PM
that's the way i try to push folks. it works very well when it's actually attempted. mindset of using color still difficult to bridge, but getting better all the time. I think it's part of a larger discussion involving the rest of the industry. Wasting less paper and issuing electronic documents, anything can be colorized without a cost significance. If an end user wants it printed in color, that should be up to them and their company's environmental waste/plotting policy. i digress... using the aforementioned color method is one of the best/easiest to control that i've found, hands down (plus I really love the ability to see it in section, too.) For what governmental agencies want...well...that's a different story.

I think the solution you propose is elegant, however, would a solid fill color work? Color plotting or prinint is very common and getting to be more so... Does your solution work in section too?


2007-10-15, 04:44 PM
Thanks for the compliment Jim - high praise indeed. I usually dont post, but I was so satisfied with the solution, I had to share it. It will not work in section because if the sweep were tall, it would be cut in plan and section and show up with the cut linestyle instead of projection.

2007-10-15, 11:44 PM
We have also been using color, but since we have yet to get reviewers to accept color (they are color blind here) we use dark grey, black and bright green. This prints Black, Dark grey and light grey. Works very well, the reviewers can see the difference and it works in section.

2007-10-19, 03:45 PM
Man, I'm dumb...why the hell would you need a smoke or fire rating on a partial height wall? :)

Windows still screw up the graphics though because the "sill" of the wall is read as a projected surface and thus gets the fire linetype treatment too. It's definitely not the end of the world and I love this solution a lot more than any of the others presented over the past few years. But it's annoying nonetheless.

Spark Yunker
2014-02-12, 08:13 PM
You can make the sweep be taller than the cut plane but shorter than the wall. This will allow you to use it in hidden line.