View Full Version : Model pattern doesn't wrap corner of wall correctly

2007-10-09, 09:34 PM
I made a custom model pat to represent a custom brick coursing. But a funny thing happens where the pattern shifts when it wraps the corner. Surprisingly it doesn't do this on all walls, just a few. Attached is a screen shot showing what I mean. I've tried to move the model lines around, but I have the same result. Has anyone come across and resolved this?

2007-10-10, 11:40 AM
Is wrap exterior only set for ends?

2007-10-10, 08:14 PM
Never came across.How does the different materials are applied? Did you split the layers ?

2007-10-11, 06:48 PM
This happens on almost every project I'm working on. It blows! But you can align the hatch, but not around corners like in this situation. I guess the "FACTORY" never thought about this LOL! But you can also move it. Just tab to select the hatching and move it.

2007-10-30, 06:18 PM
I have the same situation happening in several of my projects. You can control the horizontal lines but not the vertical. The hatch pattern "begins" at the work plane that the wall begins at. If you have modular coarsing and your wall begins off course, you are going to get an offset in your model pattern. You can change which plane your wall is offset from, which may at least get the horizontals to line up. The verticals I am not sure about.

I haven't found a very glamorous workaround for this. Anyone else?

Henry D
2007-10-30, 08:43 PM
I just go to the 3D view and use the align tool to align the courses. It is a bit of a pain though...

Anthony Miguel
2007-10-31, 07:54 AM
That's a very nice project your working on Henry, I wouldn'nt mind seeing some more views!

I just go to the 3D view and use the align tool to align the courses. It is a bit of a pain though...

Henry D
2007-11-01, 10:31 AM
That's a very nice project your working on Henry, I wouldn'nt mind seeing some more views!

Thanks Antonio for your interest, I am still working on the model...I'll post it in the Gallery when I finish. I think France has such beautiful architecture!