View Full Version : Dimension Styles Question

2007-10-10, 08:50 PM
I have gone through and revamped my dimension styles. They were not in proper working order when I inherited them.

I have one variable that is giving me a headache. Can anyone tell me which variable controls the distance from the text to the dimension line, when the dimension is forced over the line instead of between the arrowheads?

2007-10-11, 12:12 PM
Text Offset

2007-10-11, 01:55 PM
The variable you are looking for is DIMGAP.

In the Dimension Style Manager, when you modify a dimension, it is set on the Text tab. It is called 'Offset from dim line'. You can find the variable name by picking the '?' in the upper right corner of the dialog then picking on 'Offset from dim line'.

2007-10-11, 09:40 PM
I played with this variable a bit and it seemed like it was adjusting the distance from the text to the end of the dim line when the text was between the arrows. Does this variable control both items?

2007-10-11, 09:45 PM
Yes it does.

I noticed what Steve was refering to when he said "text offset". That is the property name in the property palette.

2007-10-13, 07:19 AM
I played with this variable a bit and it seemed like it was adjusting the distance from the text to the end of the dim line when the text was between the arrows. Does this variable control both items?

Maybe you should try to change this in Dim Style manager for every styles you use.