View Full Version : Shared Parameters

2007-10-13, 05:08 PM
I was trying to create several pilecaps with piles (from 2 piles to 20 piles) as families, one family for each number of piles, total 19 families. I would like to create few SHARED PARAMETERs, such as Pile Size, Pile Length, Pile Spacing and Edge distance for a cap. The intent is that for a given project, if I change pile size from 12" Precast to 14" Precast, it should automatically change in all the loaded pile cap families in Revit Structure Project.
Any help on achieving this will be appreciated. Thanks

2007-10-15, 02:11 PM
If the geometry for all the pile caps is similar, and the pile spacing uniform, you could probably do the two to twenty cap with one family, if you choose....

2007-10-16, 01:29 PM

Post your family so it can be examined. That way specific helps can be suggested.

2007-10-22, 08:20 PM

Post your family so it can be examined. That way specific helps can be suggested.

Please see attached families.

Thomas Maleski
2007-10-23, 11:42 AM
First, you need separate family files for each different pile cap. Spacing is at times staggered and others are lined up. It would be difficult to create a one file fits all. IMO

The believe the question is:

Is there a way to create a parameter in a family and then in the project setup a project parameter that can change multiple types. For example, I have two foundation pile families created. I have a parameter in each called pile size. In the project I went to Settings -> Project Parameters… and added in the pile size parameter. From here, how do we set this value?

Thomas Maleski
2007-10-23, 02:57 PM
I contacted "The Factory" on this and they said there is no connection between project parameters and families.

He suggested:

The only way I can think of is to make all the pile sizes instance based and group select all the piles and change the one instance parameter for all the selected piles.

So this helps for the pile size and type but not edge distances.

FYI: I created new familes for each capcity, so I have 40, 80 and 150 ton pile groups

2007-10-23, 03:42 PM
It is easy to deal with pile size and pile length. I created a single Pile only SHARED Family with two shared parameters. Pile Size and Pile Length. I then created a tag to label these two parameters.
I have inserted this PILE FAMILY in various Pile Caps. I also insert a Single Pile somewhere in the Project. When I change the values through tags on a single pile, all Piles change in all the Pile Caps in the Project.
I am looking for some way to achieve the same results for PileCapEdgeDistance and PileSpacing shared parameters. These do not propagate from one Pile Cap Family to the other Pile Cap Family.
Help .....