View Full Version : Parametric Formula Issue

2007-10-15, 02:39 PM
I'm trying to create a room parameter for Occupancy Load based on the Occupancy parameter. The goal is to create a tag that shows the Occupancy and Occupancy Load. I created an Occupancy Load shared parameter that I added to the room properties as a Project Paramaeter. When I try to enter a formula for the Occupancy Load parameter I get an error that says:
"The following string cannot be recognized: Occupancy. Formulas cannot refer to other parameters. Only constant expressions are supported."

This is my first attempt at entering a formula so I may be missing something obvious but isn't the purpose of a formula to calculate one parameter by using other parameters? I also tried a simple formula for the Area and got the same error.

This is the formula i tried (though I intend on stringing more conditional statements for other Occupancy types):
=IF(Occupancy=Storage, 300,0)

Anyone know what I'm missing here?

2007-10-15, 06:55 PM
I realized I used the wrong terminology so my post could be confusing. What I want is to show the appropriate Floor area per Occupant (as per code) to the Occupancy parameter. So if the Occupancy is Business the Floor Area per Occupant parameter would reflect the SF that I've assigned in a formula. Then create a parameter that calculates the occupant load and then include this all in a tag.
i.e. Area/Floor Area per Occupant = Occupancy Load

Here are some of the things that seem to be contributing to my issue.

- I can't reference another parameter in an Instance parameter formula.

- I can't edit a room family so I can't add formulas to the parameters

- I tried adding the parameters to the room tag but I can't reference a room parameter in the tag family and I can't add a formula to a shared parameter

2007-10-15, 07:40 PM
Try these threads or search on "occupancy schedule" THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=57686&highlight=occupancy), or this ONE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21237&highlight=occupancy+schedule)