View Full Version : Dimensioning links in 2008

2007-10-15, 03:01 PM

So I just came across an interesting issue. We've got a project with the following linked file structure: Structural file linked into Building file linked into Documentation file. Now, we've been using the "by linked view" option pretty frequently to document certain conditions in the linked files, but just ran into a hiccup. When we dimension in the Building file between the linked structure file and the building file, or just dimension the linked structure file, when we select "by linked view" in the documentation file ONLY the dimensions referencing the Building file show up. Any dimension string associated with the nested Structural file won't show up!

Is this how it is supposed to work???


2007-10-15, 04:41 PM
Avoid dimensionning to any link files. Doesnt matter if it's a Revit or an Acad. Place a ref and dim to that

2007-10-15, 05:00 PM
Yeah, that's our "best practice" now too. It wasn't followed on this project since it was our first with linked files. by everyone. However, despite this we didn't anticipate the dims not showing up at all...

Oh well.

2007-10-15, 05:06 PM
If the dimensionned element get changed in any way the attached dimension get deleted

2007-10-15, 05:55 PM
Yep, we ran into that one pretty early. Fortunately, it wasn't that big of a deal since we didn't start dimensioning till most things were "correct." Anyway, we're getting better at the link thing, though some of these limitations are a real pain in the butt!