View Full Version : corner joins and edit wall tool

2007-10-17, 07:49 PM
Hey, has anyone ever had this issue? See attached. The edit wall join tool states this is my only option for the corner trim. The shape of the builiding is a rectangle, and 3 of the 4 corners join and trim correctly. The one corner does not behave correctly. Any thoughts?

2007-10-17, 08:00 PM
Do all the walls have the same top and bottom constraints? Sometimes when walls of different heights join, the clean up is not very good, and it befuddles the edit wall joins tool. Similar things happen if you have multi-story walls with single-story walls joing above or below the condition we're seeing here.

Do either of the walls have edited sketch profiles? That can be murder on automatic joins.

Did you look in all possible phases for any walls that may not be visible but are impacting the join? Any other objects (doors, windows, hosted elements, columns) that might be getting in the mix? Try re-creating the condition elsewhere and verify it works.

You said that other walls of the same types in similar conditions are joining correctly? be sure these are exactly the same type and the priorities for each layer of the wall assembly are assigned correctly.

Try pulling the joined walls appart and then adding them back in manually or with trim/extend. Sometimes just getting the order of opprerations right will shake things into compliance.

NB: That wall that's not supposed to be joined to anything... I would not use edit wall joins to try to achieve that automatically, I would disalow join on the end of it and located it precisely where I want. I might even put a ref plane in to be sure.

And lastly, if all else fails, disallow joins on all the walls (or as many as you need to get the wals in roughtly the right position) and, fix it with detail elements in 2d where required.


2007-10-17, 10:10 PM
copying walls into new project joins work properly.

Deleting all windows doors and openings from one wall did nothing. Pull walls apart and trimming does not work (Autodesk support sent me a video depicting just that). Phasing, base offsets, top offsets and all that are the same for the walls. I have not checked the windows and doors for phasing- though there is only one phase...

Autodesk wants me to install latest service pack- as if I have time to update my office for this one issue (crunch time; though at this point I have wasted enough time....)

It seems the file itself has a problem...the problem with 2d fixes is that I have to do them in sevaral views, not just plans. I may as well just draft everything.

cliff collins
2007-10-18, 02:36 PM
Yes--try installing the new "build" or "service pack"--probably worth the time.


2007-10-18, 02:40 PM
yep...did it last night; working in latest build now. Still no solution found. The problems persist. In attempt to pick apart the model I began cutting and pasting into a new project and the problems went away. The thing is I am nearly done with my CDs at this point. So I am not sure I want to painstakingly copy everything from one file to another- I am thinking of all the detail sections and other views with detail lines and components.

The walls not joining is a very irritating annoyance that appeared a few weeks ago. At this point, the tinkerer in me just wants to know why and what/how...

2007-10-18, 03:38 PM

it was the "rooms". I deleted all the rooms and v'oila, the corners joined as expected. this project was started in 8.1 then updated a few months ago to 2008. I ignored the warning about room behaviours..

2007-10-18, 04:25 PM

So the main problem went away, but there is still this issue with wall joins not matching between views. See attached image showing 1st and 2nd views of same corners. What's up with that? I cannot get the 1st to match the 2nd - which is the desirable join. BTW: mitre joins is not what I am looking for.

2007-10-19, 02:49 PM
Please post simplified model here or send the original model to Support. Thanks.

2007-10-19, 05:10 PM
Please post simplified model here or send the original model to Support. Thanks.

simplified model does not generate errors....
original was sent to Autodesk Support.

It appears to be related to a view range & view template setting. I found a solution for this particular problem. Thought clearly something is whacky in my project file. Just when I thought the joins were working, I modified something and the spaghetii bowl spilled....I give up- have to move on.

2008-04-22, 07:10 PM
Did you get a response from AutoDesk Support? I think we have the same problem - second floor looks fine, but the first floor walls are not joining and it just started sometime yesterday. I don't believe the view settings have been altered at all.

2008-04-22, 07:21 PM
No, I do not believe the problem was resolved, totally. As I recall Autodesk did not see the problem when they opened the file. I think I ended up using plan regions to cut the walls at points lower or higher than the regular view range, and was able to get the cleaned view I was seeking. It seems to be related to having used vertically compound walls- in my case. There were definitely errors generated related to the walls causing my grief. Also, I determined that by deleting all my rooms and re-establishing them my walls joins cleared up somewhat.

Trying using a view template based on the level where the wall joins look correct. Also look at how the joins are set to clean up in each view- they may be set differently.

2008-04-22, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply! I reread your post where you said it might have something to do with view range. In the view range, I changed the bottom and view depth from unlimited to associated level (level 1) and all the joins fixed themselves. I had changed it to unlimited earlier, I guess that's when the problem occurred. You brought up another question I have wondered about before - how to you set up the way wall joins are supposed to clean up per view?