View Full Version : area parameter in a floor tag

2007-10-18, 03:38 PM
How can I add an area parameter (label) to a Floor Tag?

2007-10-19, 12:25 AM
What are you trying to report? Material quantity or the area of a room?

2007-10-19, 02:38 PM
Material quantity...because the floor material encompasses multiple rooms...at this point I'm not too concerned that this area would include the actual floor area displaced by the partitions.

from your question, I'll make the leap to answer my own...

The "correct" way to schedule floor materials would be to inject the floor finishes into the room parameters and then schedule the rooms filtering out the floor material...

and this would be fine if I were at this stage in my documentation. At this point I would like to issue a schematic plan to the GC with just different floor materials shaded with a single tag that calls out "type AND area". I know the area parameter is there for the floor element, I just can't figure out how to create the area label in the tag family...it appears the area parameter is not a default floor tag element.

thanks for your reply...I was beginning to wonder if anyone was out there....

where's Rolly?...when you need him....

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-19, 03:54 PM
I don't believe you can extract the area of the floor and put it on a tag automatically.

The workflow you are describing essentially requires you to create separate floor types and sketches for each finish anyway so why not just do that and schedule the floors by type to get your totals. At later stages a simple join geomtery or replace all instances could be used to swap for 'real' floors.
To make it clearer for the contractor you could use a different solid color surface pattern to indicate floor types or, better yet, color fill plans so you ca apply the legend to the view.