View Full Version : Topo white space in elevs

2007-10-19, 10:33 PM
Why do I get this white space kinda where previous topo is even though visibility is set to "Show Previous + New"?
I have a reduced file with this prob isolated if needed.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-19, 11:05 PM
Where is the cut plane/view plane of your elevation/section? Is that the surface of your topo showing in elevation?

2007-10-20, 05:42 PM
It looks like the previous topo. I just cant turn it off. I graded the site and added a pad. The pad is lower than the original grade.

2007-10-22, 12:25 AM
Did you set your Phase Filter to Show Complete? if it is set to show all you will see the topo before the pad was placed.

2007-10-22, 03:20 PM
No matter what flter I use it shows. When using "Show All" a dotted line is near the top of the white space. "Show Complete" is no different than "Show Previous+ New".
--still stumped.

2007-10-23, 12:06 AM
is your Site Linked or part of the drawing...
if it is linked did you change the Phase settings in the Revit Link View Settings?
otherwise I'm stumped too...

2014-05-27, 01:45 PM
Anyone have any success with this issue? I'm having this problem in Revit 2014 - I only have one topo surface created in the 'new construction' phase, but I am getting this same white area above the ground line in all my elevation & sections. The only VG override that eliminates this white area is to hide the topography all together. No other overrides or visibility settings get rid of it.