View Full Version : Export to Sketchup

2007-10-20, 12:07 AM
Here are two screen captures of an early Revit model (for testing) and the import results into Sketchup. As you might have guessed several of the walls in the Revit model where produced from picking walls in massing. I am using the Revit export template, as per the manual, and have exported to 2004 DWG with polymesh in 3d view.

After getting the model into Sketchup I exploded it, otherwise I have a single mass. What I get are all these broken faces on the picked mass walls. Can I resolve this?

2007-10-20, 01:25 AM
OK, I did a few tests to see if the complication of my model was the culprit. It was not. As the attached indicates, at least part of the solution is to "show hidden geometry" in SKP, then use the pencil to connect the faces. Tedious but works, except that the line connections show as dark lines. There are no provisions for an invisible line. I think!! At least I am further along than I was a few hours ago. Suggestions please.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-20, 01:48 AM
I'm not sure if it's the fact that they are picked mass walls or the fact that SU is a surface modeler and doesn't do curves.
Any curved element is actually modelled in SU as facted faces. Since you have real compound curves in your Revit model SU does it's best to to create the form but it still has to triangulate everything.

You can soften the curves in SU so they don't show (Window>Soften Edges in SU 6) and you can hide individual lines by selecting them the eraser tool while you hold down the crtl key

2007-10-20, 02:17 AM

The ctrl/erase is the ticket. Afterwards I appy the soften edges. You just saved me a lot of frustration. Thanks and have a good weekend. :lol: