View Full Version : Help - can not find the wall or object

2007-10-22, 05:02 PM
OK so here is the deal i have a wall or some kind of object cutting my walls. I can not find or grap it however. I have gone to every single phase in the project and shown all as the phase filter and see nothing. Everything is turned all and there is no other filters on. Simply put I can not figure out why these walls suddenly get cut!!

Any ideas!

2007-10-22, 05:13 PM
Do you have the section box activated in the 3D view??

cliff collins
2007-10-22, 05:13 PM
1. check Worksets--visibility, etc. Could be object is on wrong workset?

2. check view-specific filters, see if filtered

3. select everything in the view--use "hour-glass" tool to see what objects
were selected, the "hide in view".

4.see if "rogue" object shows up?

5. Do you have any 3D imported cad objects in the model? Check this/visibility.

To me it looks like a wall, with an offset constraint from the level below--cutting thru your model.

Sound like you already checked Phasing....

reply back if you can't find it--or better yet if you do!


2007-10-22, 05:20 PM
Ok so i found it but am unable to fix. If is a wall that is building phase 5 and this is a 3d view of phase 1?? Why is it affecting phase 1 when it is not even created until phase 5??

2007-10-22, 05:30 PM
ok i fixed it! must be a bug! had to copy phase 5 walls and then delete them

then repaste back in and now is fine??

Thanks for the ideas!!

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-22, 05:59 PM
The other thing to check for is walls that are 'attached'. If you copy and paste in the same place those attachments and other constraints are eliminated.