View Full Version : Problem aligning imported CAD drawings

2007-10-24, 02:34 PM
Something has changed and I can't figure out what. When I import CAD files I am not able to align them. I discovered the problem in an existing file so I thought there may be a problem with that particular file - Nope. Tried it with a new file... same thing.

I don't think that I am doing anything different than I normally do as far as import settings, the drawing that needs to be aligned is not pinned. It just doesn't do anything when I try to align.

Any ideas? Reinstall the program?

2007-10-24, 03:28 PM
Reinstalling won't do any good i guess. Thats an ultimate resort solution.
Can you post the acad file ?

2007-10-24, 03:44 PM
It is happening with all drawings, but here it is...

2007-10-24, 04:08 PM
I downloaded your file and had no problem aligning it in Revit. However, nothing in this cad file is at 0, 90, 180, 270, so if you are trying to align one of the angled elements with something in Revit that isn't perfectly matched up, angle for angle, the alignment will not occur. Just a thought.

2007-10-24, 05:22 PM
I downloaded your file and had no problem aligning it in Revit. However, nothing in this cad file is at 0, 90, 180, 270, so if you are trying to align one of the angled elements with something in Revit that isn't perfectly matched up, angle for angle, the alignment will not occur. Just a thought.

No need to adjust your television set, that drawing is jacked. It is however, an as-built survey so the angles are correct, if painful to work with.

The crazy thing is that I already brought the drawing into my revit model a couple of weeks ago, and aligned it based on the one master baseline. Now I can't align any imports.

Just to check, I verified that I can use the align tool with other objects. Can someone who was able to import and align it tell me exactly what import settings you used so that I can eliminate the settings I am using as the source of the problem? Maybe a screen shot of the import dialog box...


2007-10-24, 05:30 PM
Just a thought (& I didn't open the dwg file) - if you can't align dwg to rvt, why not go into acad & rotate the dwg to fit the rvt?

2007-10-24, 05:39 PM
Just a thought (& I didn't open the dwg file) - if you can't align dwg to rvt, why not go into acad & rotate the dwg to fit the rvt?

That would work, but these files are coming from other companies and will occasionally be updated. We are past the point of everyone from every discipline using the same 0,0 and rotation. That ship sailed about a year ago.

If I can't get it to work though, then that's what I'll have to do, or figure out the exact rotation and manually rotate and move it in Revit. As you can imagine though, it bothers me to use a work around on something that worked fine in September!

2007-10-24, 05:52 PM
Steve, I set the import units to inch and used "Manually Place". I've tried several different alignments and imported into several different Revit models, all with no problems.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-24, 05:56 PM
Can you rotate the imported dwg inside Revit rather than align it? I have found in the past that some dwg's just don't want to cooperate.

2007-10-25, 12:16 PM
Update -

Still not working the way it did a couple of weeks ago, but here is a pretty good work around:

Draw a wall over a vertical and horizontal element (Gridlines work well) select the wall object as the point reference for alignment, then select the CAD import to align.

Thanks for suggestions everyone. If I ever figure out exactly what happened and the solution I'll repost.