View Full Version : 3ds MAX - 3d Shoreline Section

2007-10-24, 02:54 PM
This is an old one. Everything is modeled in MAX and rendered with MR. Had a very short deadline on this one and i'm planning on going back and fixing some of the obvious issues!

Filipe Francisco
2007-10-24, 03:13 PM
Really Nice

I Like this kind of details

Cheers :beer:

2007-10-24, 03:43 PM
Thanks...i wanted to put fish in there but the bosses said it would have been too much!

2007-10-25, 06:16 AM
Nice job. I spy one thing that needs to get fixed.

Someone is using some jedi powers to levitate some of the rock bed near the concrete wall...

2007-10-26, 06:38 PM
Thanks...i wanted to put fish in there but the bosses said it would have been too much!

Nice job :) It doesn't look like you used Greeble for the rocks though...

Nice job. I spy one thing that needs to get fixed.

Someone is using some jedi powers to levitate some of the rock bed near the concrete wall...

Well, I thought it was something completely different...
I thought it was the water coming under the rocks and seabed... nebermind...

2007-10-30, 01:22 AM
Okay, I've been trying to replicate this for a while now...

Two questions:

1.) How do you do your translucent water? It's sweet -- much better than I've done. I've done clear water fairly well, with the refraction, but you've got such a nice blue-ish smooth translucency going on...

2.) How'd you get those nice "kind-of-smooth" sides on the water? That's not noise (that's the top right?), so how'd you do it?

Spill the beans Dwayne... :p

2007-11-05, 01:36 AM
For the water i used geometry for most of the water turbulence. You can basically strat with a box and then use something like a poly select or a volume select to the top polys and then start adding modifiers to effect it. Using the poly selects just tell max not to touch the sides and only effect the top....though you can see some of the effects of the mapping coming through on the sides.

2008-03-18, 05:29 PM
Okay, little errors or not, I really like this. I like the little details, like the plants coming up near the piers, but I really like the look of the water -- it looks almost dirty, a little thicker than drinking water. I've replicated the physical geometry of the water, but can't get that transluscence. How the water is clearer where it's shallower (from the pov), and more opaque as it gets deeper is really interesting, and something I've failed to reproduce. Can you explain how you did this?

2008-03-19, 01:05 PM
How ironic. We just got a request to do something similar for a client. And they are asking for a specific fish! I'll have to share once we get some images...

2008-03-19, 03:20 PM
Yeah....its ironic....i've just been asked to do another one as well. I'll post some stuff when i can!

2008-06-09, 02:10 PM
Okay, Dwayne, I'll bite... how did you do the water material?!? It's got to be along the lines of physically accurate glass or something, right? So that the light attenuates more as it goes through more material? What were your settings? I really like the effect.

2008-06-09, 03:20 PM
I'l take a look around and see if i can find the file...then i'll just post it so you guys can look at it!

2008-06-11, 05:02 PM
I'l take a look around and see if i can find the file...then i'll just post it so you guys can look at it!

That'd be cool -- I've been trying to recreate the same effect with no luck. I can get close, but it doesn't have that "darker-as-it-gets-deeper" feel. And you nailed the colors, it looks just like oceanwater: greenish-blue, dark, but not dirty... just needs those fish, haha ;)

2008-06-17, 02:58 PM
Hey all,

It seems as though the directory where that original max file for that section render is now gone. I got our IT guy looking into it. I've rebuilt it as best as i could based on what i remember so that you guys could take a look at it. Keep in mind that MR is not my first renderer....meaning that i am a VRay guy first and an MR guy second...having said that i'll do what i can to help.

All the settings are kind of low but the rendering of the new file looks like this:


And the file for you guys to play with is here:


Hope this helps!!!

2008-07-02, 02:21 PM
I've also got some ocean scenes that i've been working on for my demo reel that i might post up if i remember when i'm at home. I'll at least post some of the geometry files so that you guys can mess with your own shaders.

2008-07-03, 12:48 AM
Dwayne, you rock. My skills at water leave something to be desired (to say the least), but just looking at your scene has given me a lot of eureka moments. Thanks. :beer:

2008-07-04, 01:19 PM
No probs....i'll try and post some of the ocean models i have this weekend...if not, monday for sure.