View Full Version : Room Fills and Phases

2007-10-25, 02:47 PM
Ok so we have a project with 5 phases plus an existing phase. I have made all the existing rooms and applied a color fill to a plan view in phase existing, look fine. Then I made a Phase 1 view and assigned new rooms to phase 1, again applying a color fill to the rooms, again looks fine. So now I want this view to show the existing room too so I have the phase filter set to show complete and the phase set to 1 but am unable to see the previous rooms. If I switch it to show new and previouse I am still unable to see the existing rooms. How do I show the previous phase rooms????

And please don't tell me I have to do the stupid overlay thing!!! :(

2007-10-25, 06:11 PM
Why stupid? It works so well and easily for many things :smile:

In this case the real problem is that rooms only belong to one phase at a time. If you want to depict the rooms that occurred previously as unchanged in future phases you'll have to copy them into the future phases too. You'll need to use another parameter (like Project Phase) to exclude them from schedules if necessary.