View Full Version : Plan sections + linked structural = Columns don't show!!!!

2007-10-26, 05:59 PM

Here's an interesting problem. We have a project with the following conditions:

(1) A linked Revit Structure model.
(2) Numerous plan sections created using the wall section tool, instead of the callout tool. (We're showing plan, section and elevation on the same sheets)
(3) Visibility Graphics set to show linked model's structural components.

The problem is that structural columns are not visibile in the plan sections, but the structural framing (in this case, diagonal bracing) is.

Are there known issues with displaying structural columns in "plan" wall sections?

2007-10-27, 07:07 AM
You used the Section tool > Detail section in an elevation or section view to generate a plan view of the area? That is the only section that would allow a horizontal section. If so, it is quite possible that a detail section is limiting what is displayed in a linked file either by design or by mistake. There are limited things you can "model" within a detail view as it is intended to let you add 2D embellishment over model elements.

I guess I'll have to test to see if I can replicate it. Are these families stock or custom components? If custom it could be related to how they were constructed by the structural team.

2007-10-29, 02:53 PM
Try this:

-In the project browser, select one of the column families that isn't showing.
-Right click the family name, and select "edit".
-In the family editor, on the menu, go to "Settings>Family Categories and Parameters"
-In the bottom of the dialog (the family parameters section) Uncheck the box next to "Show family Pre-cut in plan views"
-Click OK.
-Load the family into the project.

If that doesn't fix it, I'm not sure what the problem is.


2007-10-29, 02:55 PM
You used the Section tool > Detail section in an elevation or section view to generate a plan view of the area? That is the only section that would allow a horizontal section.

However, you can, in elevation, take a regular section and rotate it to the horizontal position.

Not sure if that was intentional, but you can do it....


Andre Baros
2007-10-29, 04:14 PM
Also check to see your level of detail, if the structure is set to course than you only get a stick representation line. You need to be set to fine to see the structural as geometry.

2007-11-19, 08:06 PM

The suggestion by "jcharpentier" did the trick. Thanks!