View Full Version : Shared parameters in nested famillies-help needed.

2007-10-29, 10:55 AM
i am facing a problem regarding the shared parameters. if you have ever seen the structural column used in big plants where they have to employ the columns which take the load of overhead cranes, shapewise they are like 2 I beams at a certain distance and they are connected by lacing( or vertical bracing done by L-angles) .

So i am trying to create a family of such a columns which can automatically reshape and resize by just changing a few parameters like column width and the angles of the bracing elements( L shaped beams). The problem i am facing here is that i cant make the L-angle to increase its length automatically with the change in overall column width and also making it to adhere to the constraints for its location in the column like the ends of the L angle should aways have a particular place in the column.

here i tried to use the nested family concept wherein i opened the L-angles family and created the shared parameter which i assigned to be the length of the angle and i included this family in the structural column family where i assigned the formula for the length of the L -angle according to the column width and the column height. like length of the L-angle is =sqrt (Column_height * column_height + column_width * column_width).

so here as a result what i get instead is the message that the constraints are not satisfied.
i am not getting where the problem is..

2007-10-29, 03:30 PM
I believe, there is no clear documentation on how SHARED PARAMETERS share a value across families. I have somewhat similar problem with PileCaps Type shared parameters. Perhaps some REVIT expert can shed light on:


To help solve your issue, if you post a family, I will try to make it work.


2007-10-30, 05:24 AM
Hey man...

I have put up a simple family as attachment wherein the basic framework for the bracing is done using the model lines and alse there is one single column on the left side. The L-angle has been put in the aligned position at an angle of around 45 degrees and now what i want here is that the length of the L-angle should increase at this angle of 45 only with its ends always remaining at the intersection of the reference planes. The location lines can be model lines or anything other you would like to put here.

The L-angle used has the shared parameter which is its length and defined by ang_length.
and the formula is also defined for this..

now i just cant figure out where the problem is.....
look at it dude

Thomas Maleski
2007-10-30, 10:33 AM
You can share the parameters by placing one family into the other, nested families.

Once "A" is inserted into "B", go to the Families area in the Project Browser, double click on the family type, then select the button on the RHS of the parameter in question and link it with the parameter.