View Full Version : Getting Management to Upgrade

2004-08-17, 02:13 PM
I work for a large engineering firm, However, it's a nightmare in convincing management that upgrading to the latest version of ACad would be productive. I'm currently using ACAD 2002. Also, for the last 3-1/2 years, I've been in an uphill battle in convincing my office that we, as an civil engineering firm, should have Land Developement. But they believe, because of influence from engineer's using MicroStation, that Geopak suffices. But it's a nightmare converting DWG's to DGN's just to have someone run it in Geopak, and that convert it back to DWG's

I know that our office has the VIP subscription, so I know that ACAD 04 & 05 are sitting in the IT's office. But he always has some excuse. First it was with 04 that upgrading needed IE 6, which affected our e-mail system. But that problem has been resolved long time ago. He said 05 is the beta version? Again all excuses. Finally he'd say that Corporate will not allow upgrading yet. However, many of our other offices have upgraded and they say corporate has nothing to do with upgrading.

So how do I state my arguement to my boss and office manager without sounding like I'm wineing?

2004-08-17, 02:28 PM

Please note I've *moved* this Topic (Thread) from the CAD Managment Software Forum (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=117) to this one as I believe it would be better served here.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2004-08-17, 03:20 PM

Might want to have a browse through the following threads -

AutoCAD subscriptions (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4621&highlight=upgrade)

Subscription Woes (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4201&highlight=upgrade)

Upgrade LT? (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5515&highlight=upgrade)

Upgrading to MAP 3D 2005 from MAP 2000i (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5819&highlight=upgrade)


The first question I'd have to ask is -

Why does the company spend very good money on the Autodesk Subscription Programme but then choose to ignore it (doesn't implement upgrades). I can totally understand not upgrading immediately, but to now have two releases still sitting on the shelf in their packaging simply doesn't make any kind of sense.....

Have a good one, Mike

2004-08-17, 03:41 PM
Perhaps, we could interest management in some nice
sturdy steel trash cans to put next to your desk so
that burning all that cash isn't so dangerous!

Seriously I would love to have a brief chat with those folks,
so that I could explain it to them from a user standpoint,
they might listen to me, because I am not an AutoDesk

2004-08-17, 03:44 PM
That's my fustration. I read in AUGI World about the new functions in 04 &05 and I know how much more my productivity will rise. But everytime i asked about upgrade, it's always another excuse. I believe the IT guy doesn't care for me and thus gives me the run-a-round. And as for as LDD, it's always not in the budget!

2004-08-17, 05:19 PM
Perhaps, we could interest management in some nice
sturdy steel trash cans to put next to your desk so
that burning all that cash isn't so dangerous!
:lol: Ah, wow, I didn't expect that coming, now everyone in my office thinks I'm crazy (-er).

Perhaps, you could track a couple of specific examples, like, if you add sheets to a set, then update the title block, details, etc manually, then show them some of the docs from autodesk or someone's tutorial saying that it is automatic. Make it clear how much time you are wasting doing things that could be automatic.
Also keep in mind the express tools (http://discussion.autodesk.com/thread.jspa?threadID=346483) which come with the newer versions.

Same thing with ldd, I don't know much about the tasks you'd do in that.

Also, do it in writing, stating an introduction, what you would like, then have a couple of paragraphs stating 'why'. The other offices have it/ I spend 20 minutes 10 times a day on such and such a task.
Not only will writing it out help you think out your reasoning and refine it, it is also something in writing, so later down the road, if they question your productivity, you have something to point to.
Send it to your boss and cc the it guy in charge of installations. Don't just send it to one person, because it will get lost.

let us know how it turns out...

2004-08-17, 06:07 PM
I'd suggest you compile a list of improvements to the software, and show management - in dollars and cents - how improvements in the software lead to improvements in productivity and as a consequence, greater PROFIT. Money is always a good way to approach management.

2004-08-17, 06:10 PM
First it was with 04 that upgrading needed IE 6, which affected our e-mail system. But that problem has been resolved long time ago.

I understand that IE 6, and subsequent patches to it, fix a lot of security holes in Windows. How are they about keeping you current with all the Windows patches? This seems like an accident waiting to happen.

And I, too, think it's awfully weird that they pay for and receive the AutoCAD upgrades but don't bother to use them. We're on 2002 as well, but our main stumbling blocks to upgrading are the money and compatibility with consultants using older versions, but mostly the money.

Michael Evans