View Full Version : Join Curtain Wall mullions

2007-11-01, 08:58 PM
You know how you can pick which mullion cuts the other mullion in a Curtain Wall? There's the little icon that lets you pick vertical or horizontal - or you can right-click & select Join Conditions.

We've got someone here (Designer, of course) that doesn't want to see any break where the mullions cross. Or maybe I should say both mullions break. In other words, they want to see two mullions cross and clean up the same way two walls would.

Is there any way to display it like that?

2007-11-02, 03:05 AM
Sorry, no...and they don't look that way in the field either, you just can't tell from a hundred feet away. :smile: Well you could if you were prepared to model the curtain wall in-place or as a family with solids and voids. :shock:

2007-11-02, 03:27 AM
Uhm, Mr./Mrs. Designer.....you really need to focus on Design (that excludes wasting your time and that of others on nit-picky stuff such as trivial items on the printed documents, as long as it doesn't interfere with the design intent) and also, go visit a job site at least once a year....

Didn't mean to be nasty :)

2007-11-02, 03:33 AM
Well yu can use the linewrok tool but dude.... fire the guy before he starts. He will kill your budget :-)

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-11-02, 04:31 AM
Don't tell me... this is the guy in the office that goes around telling others that, because of these major shortcomings, Revit sucks and will never be a good tool for doing 'real' architecture. :lol:
Sense a trend here Dave?
Good luck

2007-11-02, 12:22 PM
Hey Dave can you post his name so we can screen his resume when he apply after being terminated ?

Just kidding :-)

2007-11-02, 02:14 PM
Sounds like everybody's on a downer after too much Halloween candy!

Can't say that I disagree, though. I always say that's why I never finished my Master of Architecture degree, cause I didn't get keyed up enough about useless details like that.