View Full Version : Attaching curbs to a toposurface

2007-11-01, 09:54 PM
there are some curb families I've created that attach to the top of a topo surface, however they are cumbersome. So its best to only model curbs where you need to do a rendering, other wise just use lines. Here are the families if you want to play with them.

But my question is: how do you actually attach the curbs to the topo surface?

The families are in this thread: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=8189&highlight=attach+toposurface

2007-11-02, 02:06 PM
Yes those site elements are extremely tough to work with. I tried it on a project about 3 years ago, and haven't touched them since.

Now I have a curb profile family that I use in a Slab Edge sweep. My paving and grassing and concrete areas are created as floors, and then those floors can host the curb profile sweeps.

Of course the sweeps will only be flat, which is fine most of the time for site plan views and renderings if the site is mostly flat. However they don't really work well if there is alot of elevation change across the site. What we need is a a sweep that can follow the split surface edges on topography. That would be ideal, I think.

2007-11-05, 12:58 AM
A bit late but..
I use a railings. to do curbs most of the time, they attach to hosts like slab& ramp
but can also be placed without a host.
depending on the accuracy i set my Contour intervals to 100 to 1000 mm
then i draft my railing where i want the curb split the line according to the Contours
and adjust the manual slope override in the railing ..See Sample file
this works quite well for not to complicated topos, and cleans up much better then
face hosted families