View Full Version : Available structures for downloading

2007-11-02, 01:10 PM
Folks, does anyone know of any AutoCAD related sites where I can download a particular type of structure compatable with C3D? I am looking for a graded box end section (GBES) that is normally used on road and airport jobs. This structure has various sizes and slopes based on a table provided from our DOT. The part builder program is way over my head at this time and the structures we currently have available on our tool pallette are not suffcient enough for our current need. Our states DOT uses microstation/bentley products, so I don't feel confident that they would have anything compatable to C3D. Thank you in advance for your questions, answers and inquiries.

2007-11-02, 03:11 PM
Here is the design for the GBES (grated box end section) that I had stated in the previous post. This is from the INDOT website as well. Thanks for inqiring.

2007-11-02, 05:14 PM
I haven't found anything like that so far and I've looked. I know we were all wowed when they said that we would have custom catalogs one day that would have the appropriate part in it for use that was supposed to be provided by the manufacturer. I somehow think that manufacturers haven't jumped on this band wagon yet, since so far NOBODY has done it thus far except those among us brave enough to dabble in the part builder which is a beast in its self and though I slay the proverbial dragon on occasion, I ain't that brave, yet.

So far I have been able to get a custom block to come in for the structure style and have had to use the closest part available to it's dimensions which does well in the plan views, but not in the profile views. Apparently, the FES with the invert to the right is ok, but I haven't been able to get the style to reverse or mirror the block for the left sided invert. I'm still stuck with inserting a block for the flared end sections and making the structure style in profile view not visible.

It would be nice if Autodesk would encourage manufacturer's of structures and pipes to develop their own set of Civil3D compatible parts with matching styles that we can still change control to a degree (color or linetype, etc.), but I'd even be happy with just a part. Maybe these companies don't understand that if that were available, we would use them and be almost at the same time specifying their products, which in turn would bring them buisness.

So for now, either get it close as you can or learn to master the part builder and make millions by selling your parts to the rest of us. I'd love to have DOT parts available for every state, but the band wagon has to slow down so they can jump on too.

2007-11-05, 12:16 PM
Thank you CADiva for your reply. I got a very small lesson in creating 3d parts, so I will try to implement that in my spare time of trying to use part builder and create a 3d viewable block. I am just like you, the block I created for the top view shows up great in plan view, but my project manager would like for them to show up in the profiles (and if possible cross sections) as well. CADiva, does "FES" mean flared end structure? If it means something different please let me know - I am not familiar with all of the acronyms as of yet :).

Thanks again for your help.
Gaster Firrie

2007-11-09, 08:25 PM
Yes, it does. Sorry, I've seen them called Mitered End Sections and Flared End Sections, not to mention other things that I can't recall at the moment.

I think it comes down to what we can get away with using in our drawings. We had a discussion with our engineer on this subject. We decided that for now we can either sacrifice the the quality of the sections and profiles and just use what it gives us, or insert a custom block drawn to scale that gets inserted at the right X & Y value for the section or the profile and then turn the visiblity off for the structures in those views. It's a pain, but it works, but sucks if you have to change the scales and exaggerations on the profiles.

2007-11-09, 09:17 PM
It might be flared end section. Thats the terminology in fl.

2007-11-15, 10:05 PM
Not to get off tcapmusic's issue, but has anyone seen a sanitary sewer flusing-inlet or clean-out structure out there anywhere?

2007-11-16, 12:31 PM

I just completed a pipe network for underdrains, and I ended up using a 2' (?) storm cleanout structure to represent our handhole locations. Not I deal for a 3d presentation or profile & section views, but for this project, luckily our client only sees the plan view of the handholes. This structure was created by our cad manager, but you may have a similar structure in your setup or you may have to resort to tweaking in your part builder - ouch!
I apologize if I didn't answer your question directly, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone with this issue. Have a good day!

Gaster Firrie

2007-11-16, 10:01 PM
I would love to see a manuf. build something like this. but i will not hold my breath. I think that it is going to come down to us the end users to build and share these libraries for autocad. I remember when Autodesk first came out with Architectural desktop and we were promised that we could design in 3d with ease. this solved alot of problems at the place I worked at because we had just started using 3d in our presentations and actually building a 3d model using solids and what not was time consuming. then we found out we would have to build a lot of the parts library ourselves, who had time for that right?

Now Civil 3d has come out promising the same thing and when you open it expecting all these pipes and structures to be there and it's not, it really is a disappointment. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I might as well install a shower and toilet in the office. the bad thing is when something like this comes out not only are you (as the cad manager) expected to create all this "new and improved stuff" you are also expected to stay productive. that is what is aggrevating to me the most.

2008-02-01, 05:18 PM
Same problem occured for us at our company. Needing retailered parts and not having the time to re-invent the wheel in part-builder!!
We have managed to convince our distributor of C3D to tailor or localize the styles (feet/meters, colours, layers, descriptions etc.etc.) and save them in a template file for distribution / installation. Also taking a look at pipes and structures after we have sent them some product catalogs from the market.
Our distributor has been helpfull in this way for us, but most certainly being able to sell the more attractive "local tailored" C3D product in their gain also! 8)

Maybe an idea for other end-users! :idea:
