View Full Version : Key plan

2007-11-06, 01:43 PM
I followed some of the advice on this forum on hoe to do a key plan. I exported the general floor plan and then inserted as legend on my sheet. The problem that i have is that there is no tool to hatch some areas on the key plan on the sheet. Any ideas how to hatch some areas of the key plan directly on the sheet? I don't want to create a key plan for each of my 24 sheets.

2007-11-06, 02:01 PM
Your best option is to create an annotation family and nest it in the titleblock. Create your filled regions within the family and assign visibility parameters to them. Once you nest it in the titleblock, connect the parameters to others in the host family. Now you can turn the visibility on/off by selecting the titleblock and checking/unchecking parameters in the properties. You might choose not to nest and place each keyplan manually on a sheet titleblock; I personally prefer nesting it.

2007-11-06, 03:32 PM
Other possibility would be to do the hatch regions in your Titleblock Family on the key plan and assign Yes/No parameters to the regions for visbility, then create Family types out of the Titleblock by the Regions on your keyplan (e.g. TB Region A, TB Region B, TB No Keyplan, TB Outline Only, etc.). Then, you just pick your TB on your Sheet and go to the Type Selector and choose the right type by Region. Perhaps not as elegant as embedded families, but just as useful. :)

2007-11-07, 01:49 PM
We have used multiple duplications of the roof plan, we do this so we can put our elevations & section markers on the key plans. And the Hatches Filled Regions work too. This a bit more time consuming, but that's how the PM wanted to see it.