View Full Version : Hide Element in Dependent View

2007-11-07, 05:16 PM
Here's another quirk which is probably by design. I'm curious to know the logic behind it.

If you select an Element and pick "Hide in View", it behaves differently by Element than by Category.

Hide in View by Element is completely independent on every View. Hiding an element in the overall view does NOT hide it in the dependent Views.

Hiding by Category, however DOES hide the Category in all dependent Views

Seems inconsistent to me, but I'm sure there's a reason.

2007-11-07, 08:47 PM
Possibly its because Hiding by category is essentially the same as turning the category off in visibility/graphics overrides, which are the same between dependent views.

2008-12-12, 08:40 PM
I just realized this (I am going to call it a design flaw). There are times when I need to hide just an element and not the whole category... and when I have dependent views, I would like for that element to hide in all of the dependent views. Isn't the whole point of dependent views so that you can have consistency between similar views? I hope AutoDesk fixes this in the next release.

2008-12-12, 08:49 PM
But there are times where you don't want everything to show up in both dependent views. I've run into this with room tags and other annotations where I use Hide in View by Element in only one dependent view.

2008-12-12, 09:14 PM
There is an assumption that the overall plan will not be printed as it is too large to fit on paper, and the smaller dependent views go on the sheets. This allows us to use the overall 'parent' view to see the entire design as a whole, add content, notes, etc.

It seems that the intention is to easily achieve consistency among several dependent views by using a parent view. This assumption may not be correct in all cases, but I imagine it is the majority of cases.

If so, wouldn't it make sense that whatever graphic overrides we do to the overall parent view trickle down into the dependent views?

2008-12-12, 09:17 PM
Let me clarify. I hid very few elements in dependent views, and most of the time it was a room tag that was showing up because a portion of the room was in the view. I already had the room tagged in Dependent View A, so it looked goofy to have it tagged in Dependent View B hanging off the edge.

2008-12-12, 09:35 PM
Ahhh, that is a good reason for the hide in view by element be view specific even in dependent views... I know that I should be using hide in view by element sparingly, but with these renovations jobs, it is too time consuming to correctly model certain elements that are outside of our project's scope (we often need to show an entire floor plan of a hospital for egress, DPH, etc).

Now that Dependent Views have been around for a while, perhaps there is a need for "hide element in all dependent views" see attached!

I appreciate your insight on this.

- Jon

2008-12-14, 04:54 AM
Jon, that sounds like a very useful wish list item.

2008-12-15, 01:55 AM

I agree, that is a "design limitation" (aka flaw). The whole concept of "dependent views."