View Full Version : "Model" Wall Surface Pattern Not Displaying....

2007-11-08, 09:23 AM
Hi, I have a bathroom with 4 full height floor-to-roof walls. I created a 1/4" thick 6 feet wall for the 6"x6" ceramic tile finish with a "Model" surface pattern which I placed inside the room and Joined them with the floor-to-ceiling walls.
The problem I have is one of this ceramic tile wall is not displaying the lines representing the joints at 6 inch interval. I tried everything to fix this but to no avail. I've checked and the walls do not overlap. I appreciate any responses.

Thanks :)

2007-11-08, 05:33 PM
Break out a peice of this model and upload it for us to examine... hard to say otherwise cause it sounds like you're doing the right things (other than the simple stuff like checking Visibility Graphics and the like).

2007-11-08, 09:56 PM
4 of the walls have the ceramic tile applied to them and 1 of the 4 is not displaying it, or none of the 4 walls is displaying the surface pattern?

something like this?

2007-11-08, 10:14 PM
4 of the walls have the ceramic tile applied to them and 1 of the 4 is not displaying it, or none of the 4 walls is displaying the surface pattern?

something like this?

One of the four ceramic tile wall is not displaying.

Edit: Interestingly, the ceramic wall that didn't want to show model pattern is the only one adjacent (not joined) to an "Existing wall to remain".

I've attached the file on response below.


2007-11-08, 11:50 PM
Break out a peice of this model and upload it for us to examine... hard to say otherwise cause it sounds like you're doing the right things (other than the simple stuff like checking Visibility Graphics and the like).

Please see attached model. The wall with diagonal pattern is an existing wall and the ceramic wall is adjacent to it.

Edit: I noticed that the pattern can be seen in a 3d view but not in the elevation view. i hope this is just a VG issue I've yet to learn.

2007-11-09, 12:08 AM
I created a new elevation view and it worked. Looks like the existing one is bugged out.

Or if you delete the view, and recreate it in the existing elevation symbol, it works.

I think I might have had trouble in the past, where I have to recreate the symbol, maybe in file upgrades.

2007-11-09, 12:13 AM
I created a new elevation view and it worked. Looks like the existing one is bugged out.
I recreate the view using the same symbol at it does work. :)
I was hoping it was VG issue. Well, Next time I'll try and remember to recreate the view when fixing something like this. I still hope however that somebody would figure out what is wrong with this. I'm interested to find out.

Thanks so much