View Full Version : Ceiling tags placement/location errant leader

2004-08-18, 03:35 AM
I am using the ceiling tag (Ceiling tag w height) supplied in the metric library of Release 6.0.
Select tag, tab to select ceiling, left click to place tag.
The tag is placed outside of the ceiling selected, and this is where the problem is. If it is dragged onto the selected ceiling (or any other for that matter) a leader appears that has no arrow, and it end is always outside the selected ceiling. The leader can be hidden, however if the tag is dragged to the wrong ceiling the tag still reads the information from the tagged ceiling.
The leader appears to start from where the ceiling tag has placed itself, and then rotate around the area of ceiling tagged depending on the tag location.What is the purpose of this leader?
There is lots of potential for stuff ups to occur due to operator error.
What I need is a tag that,
1. Places itself within the area of the ceiling tagged,
2. Alerts the operator if said tag is moved out of the area of the tagged ceiling.
Or perhaps I am missing something.
Can anyone help with this one please?


Mr Spot
2004-08-18, 03:59 AM
When you place a ceiling tag untick leader. The purpose of the leader is really only for small rooms/ceilings which cannot fit within the area of the ceiling. The ceiling tag should (when not using a leader) automatically place itself centred on the ceiling. When there are odd shaped ceilings this can sometimes be incorrect.

When a ceiling tag is dragged off a ceiling and the leader is turned off it will report that it has lost its host (in my experience)...

2004-08-18, 05:32 AM
Thanks for the reply Chris,
Yes if the leader is off the tag places itself on the ceiling, as long as the shape is fairly regular.
The leader is somewhat strange in that it points to where the tag was, and then appears to rotate around the selected ceiling when the tag is moved. I don't know how it can be used to point to small areas of ceiling if there is no arrow and no grip at either end, and it doesn't place correctly automatically.
No, if the tag is moved, it retains the information of the tagged ceiling, regardless of where it is moved. I wonder if this is a release 6.0 thing. We are stuck with 6.0 for the duration of this project, which could be some time. Anyway, I can work with this as is (close, but no cigar) unless anyone has a better behaved tag in release 6.0 they would be happy to share?
Again, thanks for the reply.


Mr Spot
2004-08-18, 06:53 AM

Unfortunately even with 6.1 you will still have the problem of the leader pointing to the centre of the ceiling (or what it interprets is the centre of the ceiling). You should have control over the leader knee and if you click on the tag and go to its properties and hit edit/new you can specify the leader arrowhead.

Why can't you update your file to 6.1? We have a file that has been upgraded all the way from version 4.0 through the various releases. Anyways, your correct, i just checked and it does still reference the ceiling if you drag it off. Seems a like a bug though...

I really don't think the tag is the issue its just the way ceiling tags currently behave. :screwy:


2004-08-19, 04:13 AM
We could upgrade our project to 6.1, but we can not get any guarantees from adesk that "all will be well" after the upgrade. So from a risk management point of view we stay with 6.0. The project is rather large, and if we find the wheels fall of due to unknown issues surfacing after the upgrade.... rather not go there.

Mr Spot
2004-08-19, 07:21 AM
Our file in question was 150MB multi-unit developement. We did have problems upgrading the file on our computers - it had to be sent to autodesk to update for us... But has been fine since the upgrade but still so slow to work on!!