View Full Version : Wall layers and visibilities

2007-11-10, 08:38 PM
Hi folks;
we have a "wall" with this following component:
a- 8" thick CIP conc. wall ----> it is a structural wall /bearing for example
b- 2" thick of finish material on the exterior face----> Stone covering for example
Now problem is when you send your drawing to structural engineers, the only part they need is th 8" thick CIP Conc. wall "not the finish part of it" , it wood be confusing to them and problematic they have to clean the finish part "Stone covering" of the drawing;
Question: Is there any way to turn off the "Stone Layer" of the wall ?!!!

Thanks in advance

2007-11-11, 03:06 PM
You can't "turn off" wall layers. You could overwrite theyre color to white they would still be in the model.

2007-11-11, 06:19 PM
Core Only display (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=67735&highlight=core) was on round one of the new wishlist. It was my number one vote (10 points). If it doesn't make the grade this time we must keep voting for it until it does.

BTW, this should include Floors and Roofs too.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-11-11, 07:39 PM
If you are exporting to ACAD you have control over which layer these walls will appear on through the Import/Export Settings > Export Layers DWG/DXF.
Each wall function (Structure 1, Finish 1 etc) can be placed on its own layer. From there it's a matter of letting the consultant know they can switch things on and off.
Granted this requires a certain amount of consistency in your approach to wall style definitions.

Scott Hopkins
2007-12-04, 09:17 PM
If you are exporting to ACAD you have control over which layer these walls will appear on through the Import/Export Settings > Export Layers DWG/DXF.
Each wall function (Structure 1, Finish 1 etc) can be placed on its own layer. From there it's a matter of letting the consultant know they can switch things on and off.
Granted this requires a certain amount of consistency in your approach to wall style definitions.

I have been trying to get the wall structure on its own layer but having no success.

2007-12-05, 02:04 PM
Core only display was my number one too.

2008-01-21, 02:16 PM
Core only display: There was a partial work-around posted ages ago by someone... but I cannot remember who! IT was a lot of work to do.

I've been off AUGI for a while; is there any progress on this? This has become a greater need for me as well. When is the next round of voting?

2008-01-21, 02:25 PM
I'm afraid there's been no progress on this yet... crossing fingers for Revit 2009, but not holding my breath. The workaround *I think* is to use the override host layers function in the visibility/graphics overrides for a view. check the cut line styles and click the edit button. then set your non core layers to white. My problem with this method was that you can still select the layers when dimensionsing, which opens the door for dimensions to be inaccurate for our purposes. Till the wish gets fullfilled, I'm leaving everything as default and just telling everyone to be aware and offer some tips to help.

2008-01-22, 02:54 PM
I just went to the Wishlist forum and I don't think i saw this item on the wishlist itself. Does it need to get added again? Or are the developers arleady aware of it and it doesn't need to be added? Thanks.

2008-01-24, 02:00 AM
Might want to ask those questions in the wishlist forum. Wait I'm not sure where that is... You might have to go through the wish list feedback avenue. I'm not sure how previous wishes get handled for future wishlist votes. Here's the archived version...http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=67735
A somewhat related thread that addresses/explain's what would be helpful as well...http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=54551... but I didn't remember seeing this one on the voting list last time. If core only display makes it into the product, I can do without the definitive selection preference... as long as it works that when the display of outer layers is off you can't select them. This is different than selecting something on a subcategory though, which is my only concern about implementation of this 'core only' feature. If you have something wholely in a subcategory you can still select that object even though that particular subcategory is off (the main category is on. I personally don't care for this functionality, but it seems others like it... but I digress.

Anyway I was curious myself as to how "old" (for lack of a better word) wishes were handled... so here's some threads I found
Link to some thoughts on wishlists....
And through that thread I found that core only was added again in case it doesn't make it in 2009... See the spreadsheet http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pELFs1KjySrhLW_Cty_3BUw... I didn't find if this was actively being maintained though. It wouldn't hurt to submit again http://www.augi.com/revit/submitwish.asp?page=1600 Just shows that more people want it. Be sure to tell autodesk too. Enjoy.

2008-01-24, 01:15 PM
OK, I did indeeeeeed find it on the Spreadsheet Wishlist. Specifically, it says:
- Greater control over wall visibility in views: cores only, cores + everything else
Now I guess it is just a matter of voting and promotion when the time comes....?