View Full Version : demolishing curtain walls and mullions

2007-11-14, 03:29 AM
Hello Everyone,

I seem to be having problems with demolishing the mullions on my floor plans. It allows me to demo the curtain panel, but not the mullions. If i select the mullions and go to its properties, my phasing category is grayed out. Please help

Thank you in advance,

2007-11-14, 03:39 AM
Do you really want to demolish individual pieces of the curtain wall? Or are you trying to demolish the entire curtain wall? The latter seems to be more logical and that's really what you probably should be doing. If you're using the demo tool, make sure to highlight the entire curtain wall before clicking (the grid that runs across the length of the curtain wall...the "location line" so to speak). The mullions and panels will inherit the same properties. Alternatively, you can select the curtain wall, go to the properties and manually set the Phase Demolished parameter.

2007-11-14, 05:45 PM
Do you really want to demolish individual pieces of the curtain wall? Or are you trying to demolish the entire curtain wall? The latter seems to be more logical and that's really what you probably should be doing. If you're using the demo tool, make sure to highlight the entire curtain wall before clicking (the grid that runs across the length of the curtain wall...the "location line" so to speak). The mullions and panels will inherit the same properties. Alternatively, you can select the curtain wall, go to the properties and manually set the Phase Demolished parameter.

Thanks David. I will try both ways. Also thanks for the quick response.


2008-06-09, 06:25 PM
I seem to be having the same problem. We are renovating an existing building and we wish to remove certain curtain walls. I have set the curtain wall itself to "demo" but some of the mullions carry over to the new construction. These mullions have "none" fr the demo phase, I because they are greyed out I can't change them. Can anyone help me?

2008-06-10, 02:29 AM
Set the Phase Demolished for the entire curtain wall to something else and then set it back to what you want it. The problematic panels or mullions will correct themselves.

2008-07-14, 09:16 PM
Okay...I am having a problem as well. I have a "curtain wall" with "curtain walls" hosted within the grids. Basically, it looks like a single mullion going all the way around with a aggregate panel infill, with glazing punches in the panels. It wouldn't let me host windows in the panel, so i am using curtain wall hosted on the panel. See attached images. Capture 1 is the existing condition and capture 2 shows the new elevation some of the mulliions not going away (demoing). When i set the overall curtain wall to demo, everything does fine except for the mullions that are hosted within each individual peice of glazing. Is there a better way to do this? What am I missing?