View Full Version : Baluster Panel Scaling of Pattern

2007-11-14, 03:58 PM
We want to create a simulated wire mesh baluster panel. So far so good, we created it, added a model crosshatch of 2" x 2", good. Loaded it into our model at 1/8" - 1'-0".

The mesh has now grown to about a 12" by 12" pattern not 2" as designed. Is there some scaling issues with model patterns? It was created at 3/4" -1'-0" default Family Editor size.
When we scale out drawing up to 3/4" the mesh reads fine.

Any ideas are welcome.

2007-11-14, 05:22 PM
Just tried it on our Metric RA: 50mm mesh as a model pattern seemed to work fine, see attached.

You've double-checked that it's a model pattern not a drafting pattern, of course. But it's behaving like a drafting pattern. Sounds like an issue for support?

2007-11-14, 08:10 PM
Yeah , I thik I will try metric to see if it's an imperial problem only.