View Full Version : ROOM SCHEDULES

2007-11-15, 03:38 PM
Can anybody help me with a question i have on room schedules? My room schedule was listing doors, rooms, and anything that is attached to the wall. (like a toilet, sink or grabbars) some of the rooms are not being listed. Can't figure out why. I checked that it is not multiple categories, so now the doors are not being marked, but the toilets, sinks and other components are.

It just lists the same room multiple times. One for each object. For example....105 is a unisex toilet. In the schedule 105 is listed four times. One for room, one for toilet, one for sink, andone for trash bin. Room 102 is a elevator equipment room and is not shown on the schedule even though it is tagged.

2007-11-15, 06:10 PM
If it were me, I would probably delete all room tags and room schedule you already have and start fresh. Let me know if that works out for ya!

2007-11-16, 02:16 AM
A room schedule cannot display the categories you describe so it can't be a "room" schedule. The only way you'd get all those categories into one schedule is with a multi-category schedule. Room 105 is listed several times because there are multiple items that have the same room in common. So the schedule is listing items and related room data, not rooms with related components within. A subtle but significant difference.