View Full Version : Obscure

2007-11-15, 06:16 PM
Here's a cool little command I never knew about. I was reading Paul Aubins book and he used it. Anyway, I'll make this simple.

Say you have 2 rectangles that overlap in plan view, and you want to represent one as being under the other. Instead of breaking the line, then changing the line style and cleaning up the edges, just use the obscure command. Pick the rectangle you want obscured (the bottom one), right click, aec modify tools, obscure. Then you pick the other rectangle and Viola! Hidden lines and everthing is trimmed nice and neat. Pretty cool command. :beer:

2007-11-15, 06:37 PM
Good tip, I never knew that! :beer:

2007-11-15, 06:59 PM
A few more finds like that, and the book will be worth the $75 I payed!

2007-11-16, 08:35 AM
A few more finds like that, and the book will be worth the $75 I payed!
I have used Paul Aubin's books before, they are worth whatever you (or preferrably your boss) pays for them.

2007-11-16, 09:49 AM
Here's a cool little command I never knew about. I was reading Paul Aubins book and he used it. Anyway, I'll make this simple.

Say you have 2 rectangles that overlap in plan view, and you want to represent one as being under the other. Instead of breaking the line, then changing the line style and cleaning up the edges, just use the obscure command. Pick the rectangle you want obscured (the bottom one), right click, aec modify tools, obscure. Then you pick the other rectangle and Viola! Hidden lines and everything is trimmed nice and neat. Pretty cool command. :beer:

Check out the other AEC modify tools as well, space evenly, centre and merge are particularly useful.
Some of the other ones, trim extend etc are useful when dealing with detail components.

2007-11-16, 09:56 AM
Check out the other AEC modify tools as well, space evenly, centre and merge are particularly useful.
Some of the other ones, trim extend etc are useful when dealing with detail components.
My fave is Select Similar, drives my vanilla users nuts when I do things in half the time because of that little gem!

2007-11-16, 10:05 AM
My fave is Select Similar, drives my vanilla users nuts when I do things in half the time because of that little gem!

Yep use it every single day. There are quite a few commands in ADT/ACA which don't particularly relate to the vertical aspect of the programme and should be included in vanilla Cad.

2007-11-16, 10:09 AM
Yep use it every single day. There are quite a few commands in ADT/ACA which don't particularly relate to the vertical aspect of the programme and should be included in vanilla Cad.
I suppose they use it like LT, minority coverage to test out new commands that will be included in the core product in the fullness of time.

2007-11-19, 04:31 AM
Check out the other AEC modify tools as well, space evenly, centre and merge are particularly useful.
Some of the other ones, trim extend etc are useful when dealing with detail components.

I absolutly love the AEC array, I think I will be using a few more of them now.

Mr Cory
2007-11-19, 07:38 PM
My fave is Select Similar, drives my vanilla users nuts when I do things in half the time because of that little gem!

Yeap, pretty sure i'd go insane without it... well insane'r ;)

2007-11-20, 08:53 AM
Yeap, pretty sure i'd go insane without it... well insane'r ;)
Cadfucius he say:

"CAD makes you Mad"