View Full Version : Visible Voids

2007-11-16, 02:13 PM
Hello Everybody,

I have two projects each containing in-place voids. In one project the voids are visible, in the other they are not. Does anybody know of a setting that controls the visibility of voids? There are created as generic models, I have tried VG without success!



2007-11-16, 02:40 PM
You need to edit the void. There are visibility settings in the void properties.

2007-11-16, 04:03 PM
Yep! Checked That. All tickboxes checked. Coarse, med, fine, plan, left/right etc. Still does not show in one project.


I don't think it can be a setting... working in the project where the void is displayed (not what I want!) I just created another void in a different part of the wall, this void does not show..wierd!

Help! Could it be a bug? I noticed some similar posts, but in earlier versions.


2007-11-16, 06:48 PM
I had a project in 8.1 that had in in-place void that was visible all the time (orange box), when normally you shouldn't see it unless you mouse over it, or maybe while editing the family. I don't think I ever figured it out.

2007-11-16, 09:38 PM
Did u use the cut geometry tool and pick the void first then select the object u want to cut the area away from?

2007-11-16, 10:49 PM
I think this is indeed a bug.
It happened to me a number of times, you simply lose the void, it becomes invisible and un-selectable.

Try this: in a 3D view, activate the section box, then move it to intersect the object your invisible void is cutting. At that point you should be able to hover over the void, somewhere, and Revit will highlight it for you, as expected, and you can select it and edit it.

I hope this is the problem you were writing about,



2007-11-19, 10:28 AM
gsucci, you are correct that is one of the problems. The thing is that when the void has been created and cut geometry used I do not want to see the void orange outline unless I hover the mouse over it. The problem I am getting is that in one part of the wall the void is permanently visible, in another part a second void works correctly. This has to be a bug, doesn't it?

Have a look at the attached image.


Gadget Man
2007-11-20, 06:31 AM
Now, I don't know if this would work - try to edit the void that behives correctly and simply draw the second loop for the other cut-out as a part of the first void. In other words, have one void cutting both places at the same time.

I have had a situation (many times in fact) where two or more different voids cutting the same entity "collided" and sort of excluded each other...

I don't know if that is the problem but the solution (single void) might work for you...

Good luck!

2007-11-20, 01:44 PM
I don't think that would work if the first void is cutting one element and he needs the other void to cut a different element.

Gadget Man
2007-11-21, 06:22 AM
I was under impression that it was the same wall he was going to cut with two different voids. In such a case it might work but if they are two different walls I'm not sure...

2007-11-21, 04:24 PM
hey Jetisart, that just may work, but as Patricks spotted the voids cut different objects (in this case they chamfer the external corner of a wall so depends greatly on wall join type, butt or mitre) still could be a workaround in some cases.

So do we agree this a bug? If so, do I need to raise this with Adesk support or could someone from the Factory pick it up here?


2010-07-22, 12:54 AM
Resurrection -

I have this issue in 2011. An in-place Wall family that only contains a Void, and the void cuts the wall correctly. And yet the orange void is visible in all views when not editing the family. When editing the family, the void disappears (but can be selected as usual).

Using Visibility Settings for the Void element seems to have no effect.

2010-07-22, 01:03 AM
Changing category from Walls to Generic models does not correct the problem.

However, adding a solid element (extrusion) to the in place family causes the void to disappear correctly.

2010-07-22, 02:27 PM
I use Worksets like ACAD layers (I know, I know, I'm not supposed to, but they are the most flexible way to control visibility, for me). If I've put in a void, say after the initial in-place family, but in the wrong workset, and I later try to work on that in-place family without the void's workset being turned on, then I can't find the void.

Also, sometimes it helps to get into a 3D view, to find voids.