View Full Version : Line Weights, Patterns and Category questions

2007-11-18, 11:03 PM
I had hoped to post this to Support, but the Subscription site is down till Wednesday! So much for that. Anyway, I will post here in the hopes that someone has some answers, and also post to Support when Subscription comes back on line. So...

Line Styles:
- The Lines Category in the Line Styles dialog has settings. When are these actually applied to objects? It seems only the subcategories can actually be used.
- What is the difference between the hardwired <Hidden> Line Style and the Hidden Lines Line Style? And why does the Hidden Lines Line Style use the Dash Line Pattern rather than the Hidden Line Pattern?

-Why does the Detail Items Category use sub-categories of Light Lines and Heavy Lines when everything else in Revit uses Thin Lines and Wide Lines? And do any of the OOTB Detail Components actually use them? So far all the Detail Components I have looked at use either the Detail Items category, or Medium Lines sub-category.
-What is the Interior Edges sub-category of Floors and Roofs for?
-Why is there a Projection Line Weight for Common Edges of Floors, Roofs and Ceilings? Is there a time when I can actually see those lines other than in Section?
-Is the Opening sub-category of Doors and Windows ever actually graphically shown? When?
-What are the Stringers and Stringers Beyond Cut Line sub-categories of Ramps for? Is there actually a way to make a Ramp with Stringers?
-There is a Ramps Beyond Cut Line sub-category also, but it seems like Ramps do not ever cut in Plan. Is this true?
-Why is there a Cut Line Weight for Stair Stringers, given that Stringers, Treads and Risers are all governed by the main Stairs category when cut?

When I override the Lineweight of a subcategory in a View, but leave the Line Pattern as No Override, I instead get a Solid line and I must actual override it back to the original Line pattern. This is true if I override the Color as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

2008-02-01, 11:24 PM
Why does the Detail Items Category use sub-categories of Light Lines and Heavy Lines when everything else in Revit uses Thin Lines and Wide Lines?

I had the same question, I wanted to use a medium lineweight, but only see light and heavy in my detail component?

2008-02-02, 12:17 AM
I am still interested if you found out why the object styles method is used for lineweights in detail components?

In the meantime, I did find out how to get a medium lineweight in my detail component. I needed to create a new object style for the medium lineweight.

Search help for Detail Component Families, changing appearance

Click Settings menuObject Styles.
Click the Model Objects, Annotation Objects, or Imported Objects tab.
In the Object Styles dialog under Modify Subcategories, click New.
In the New Subcategory dialog, enter a name.
Select the Category for Subcategory of.
Click OK.

2008-02-02, 06:33 AM
There is no reason (well, it's possible there's a historical reason, but I don't know what it is). As it stands, this is just poor design. Families (including Detail Components) have it right - a line style should just be an object style (they could have "Line Objects" under Object Styles). "Line Styles" (as a separate dialog box) should be eliminated altogether - it's redundant and confusing.

I am still interested if you found out why the object styles method is used for lineweights in detail components?