View Full Version : New Utility to get elements on a certain level

2007-11-20, 05:22 PM
I've created (with lots of help from GuyR and Elizabeth Shulok in this thread: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=70906) a utility that will find all of the elements that are associated with a certain level.

The reason I created this is to help out with times when you want to delete a level. Revit does not warn you about what is associated with a certain level (and therefore will be deleted when the level is deleted. We have had cases where minor levels were deleted and we found out later that some elements were deleted with the level that we didn't realize were associated.

So, simply run this tool, which will give a list of levels in the project, let you choose one, and then show you all the elements on that level or tell you if there are none. It will also then let you select or select and show the elements.

One caveat is that stacked walls seem to act a little strange. They do not schedule in themselves, but the pieces of them will show up twice; once as a wall and once as a curtain panel. Try it with a simple project with only a single stacked wall and you'll see what I mean. Because of this I have put in a warning if there are stacked walls present telling the user just this. This does not, however, effect the selecting/showing. All elements will be selected still.

I'm very new to programming so go easy if there are bugs, but please let me know and also if you have any ideas for improvements let me know.


Dimitri Harvalias
2007-11-20, 06:38 PM
Sounds like it could be a handy one to have Steve. Thanks for sharing.

2007-12-18, 06:27 PM
I would love to use this utility; it sounds very useful. However, I can't get it to work.

I've copied the dll to my program folder, and added the lines to my ini file, making sure to get the right path, and enclose the path in quotes.

The entry shows up in my pulldown menu, but when I select it, nothing happens.

Any ideas?

2007-12-20, 09:07 PM
It works for me,
Post your revit.ini file and I'll take a look for you,



2008-01-02, 07:07 PM
Hey great tool. Very handy :)

I modified the ini to point to Revit Structure, and everything worked fine, except it doesn't seem to recognize that beams or trusses belong to the appropriate levels. Any ideas? I'm going to try it with Revit MEP next...

Cheers :beer:


2008-01-03, 05:47 PM
hey, I've been on vacation for a little bit, so I haven't seen this until now. Not sure why it wouldn't find the beams or trusses. I am playing catchup from vacation so I may not get to look at it for a while, but I'll see what I can figure out...

Daniel did you get it working?

2008-01-03, 06:13 PM
Daniel did you get it working?
Yes, I have! I double-checked (quadruple-checked, really) the paths in my ini file, and the dll file location, and found the error of my ways - I had put the GetLevel folder in my Program folder. Moved it up one folder level, and now it works like a charm!
Thanks for this - I think it will prove itself quite useful!

Jim Merritt
2008-01-09, 10:58 PM
Any chance you will be posting the source code as well to help all us beginning Revit programmers? ;)

2008-01-09, 11:01 PM
Any chance you will be posting the source code as well to help all us beginning Revit programmers? ;)
It's in the thread he links to in the first post in this thread.

2008-01-10, 02:45 AM
yep, it's there as daniel says. keep in mind I'm quite beginner myself, so don't take it as "the way to do it" by any means...

Jim Merritt
2008-01-10, 03:13 AM
Thanks Steve!

I can think of many things this could be applied to. Extending it and adjusting the window heights for a level to match the owners deciding they have the money for 8 foot doors rather than 6'-8" doors on a particular level comes to mind. Yes, you could isolate windows and just move them up for a level, but you couldn't drive this from a database or excel.


2008-07-09, 04:10 PM
Ok, attached is an updated "Version 2.0" of this command. This version will only work with 2009, but should work quite a bit better than the previous version. Here is the list of improvements:

Added Changed to use 2009 filters for faster performance
Fixed Model lines & line based elements are now included
Added New UI allows better interaction
All levels are visible with their Heights (Heights round to the nearest 1/16" for display)
Level Hieghts are stacked according to physical height
Multiple levels can be checked without exiting the command (but still 1 at a time)
Both levels & elements are displayed in Spreadsheet format to allow re-sorting by user
Added Once the command is open, all Model elements are stored, so checking other levels is faster

Mabrey, please try this in Revit Structure and let me know how it works if you would. I think the line-based elements problem should let it find the beams and trusses now, but I only have architecture so I can't test the trusses part. I tested the beams in Architecture and it works there.

As always, let me know if you find something not working right or have an idea for an improvement.


2008-07-09, 04:17 PM
New Code attached as well for those interested...

2008-07-09, 09:16 PM
That's a hell of a filter Steve ;-)


2008-07-09, 09:56 PM
Has anyone told you today that you're a Rock Star? :beer:

2008-07-09, 10:01 PM
:) yeah, pretty nice filter, eh. Still seems to be faster than going through everything, although I haven't clocked it.

Thanks Daniel :)

2008-07-10, 12:11 AM
Thanks Steve love this app. .One minor detail,height only displays imperial measurement (not affecting use) even in my metric template.

thanks Mark

2008-07-10, 03:44 PM
Yes, that is true. I'm in USA, so that's all I made it for right now, sorry. If I get time I may go back and try to implement metric as well for you guys, depends how nice you are to me :).

Alternately, I did post the source code, so if there's anyone else out there who wants to take a stab at modifying to include metric please feel free, just post when you're done so I can have that code to work off of in the future :)


2008-07-10, 05:51 PM
I looked at it a little more and that may be pretty easy to do. How would you want it displayed (i.e. what are most commonly used metric units for levels)?


2008-07-10, 08:54 PM
Hi Steve
Thanks for quick reply. Most common metric unit is millimeters (mm).

Thanks Mark

When I find time I will have to lookup the dictionary and and find the meaning to "imperial" "inch" "feet" and that most horrible word "FRACTION",sounds like some ancient language from a forgotten time!

2008-07-10, 08:57 PM
:cry: Just for that I'm not doing it! :p. Millimeters it is...

2008-07-10, 10:31 PM
Ok, Here is the metric version, you owe me lunch if I ever come to Australia :).

Actually I found a few more bugs while I was looking at it. Here are the new fixes in version 2.1:

Added Now supports Metric Templates - Level Heights reported in mm - rounded to nearest 0.1mm
Fixed Will no longer round to x'-12" if level is just below an even foot dimension
Fixed Level Height column is right justified for easier reading
Added Large numbers now show commas correctly for level heights
Fixed Levels with Negative values now show correctly when inches are above 6

As always, let me know if you find any bugs...


2008-07-10, 10:38 PM
Thanks Steve
Lunch it is ! Have you ever heard of McDonald's !!!


2008-07-10, 10:59 PM
:) I think we have a few in the states somewhere ;)

2008-07-11, 11:55 PM
Nice work Steve.


2008-07-11, 11:58 PM
Thanks. That's a nice complement coming from the master :).

2008-08-02, 01:55 PM
I wonder what would have been the comparing key (level) for every element that is being iterated in the process.

2008-08-04, 05:35 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...

2008-12-15, 05:27 AM
Hi Steve,
Please excuse my ignorance but I can't seem to get this to work.
I have updated my ini file and have added the dll. The menu is in there: Tools, External Tools, Get level.
However it doesn't seem to do anything.
What is it supposed to do? How is it supposed to look when it works?
Can you please post where exactly this info is to be added in the program files etc...


2008-12-15, 09:53 AM

first thank you for the tool it also works for Revit 2009. Nice

question when I tested it it did not seem te find railings on the level.

could you take a look a that.

thanks keep it up

2008-12-15, 02:48 PM
Archdoc, I noticed someone posted instructions in the other thread, did that fix it? Basically you need to make sure the EC lines have the right number at the end (i.e. if its external command number 4, you should have ECName4, ECClassName4, etc) and make sure the ECAssembly path points to the dll file wherever you put it. Everything else should be exactly as in the ini file I posted. If that still doesn't work please post your ini as that is usually the problem when it wont run at all.

xiqx, glad you like it, and the latest one actually only works for 2009, I don't think it will work for 2008. I will look into the railings, although I probably won't have time until after the 1st of the year, thanks for the tip.

2008-12-15, 11:43 PM
Great work Steve, very useful utility. Any update on the metric version? Or prehaps one that just uses the project units, I haven't looked into API programming but it looks like there would be many applications. I must keep an eye on this forum.


2008-12-16, 08:42 AM
Steve metric version is back 1 page post # 22


2008-12-16, 07:20 PM
yeah, latest version takes project units, see previous posts

2008-12-17, 06:15 PM

can you explain with more details how I can install those files and where add the information in the ini file. I am totally lost.

thanks for your help

2008-12-17, 07:18 PM
copy the .dll file into wherever you want to keep external commands (I use "C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Addons"). Then you will need to modify the .ini file for your Revit install which can be found at "C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Program\Revit.ini" if you installed in the normal location.

Double click it and it will open in notepad. Scroll down to find the section that starts with "[ExternalCommands]". The next line should say "ECCount=" and some number, add 1 to that number.

The next lines will be the definitions of your external commands, which will follow this format:


where the # represents whichever command it is. Also, ECDescription is optional, so some may not have that.

Go to the last definition that follows this format. Copy the 4 lines from the .ini file I posted earlier that follow this format to the clipboard. Paste these lines after the last command definition.

Change the numbers on what you just pasted to the number after the last definition (i.e. if you had 3 commands defined already, you change the pasted ones to ECName4, ECClassName4, etc.). Lastly, change the path under ECAssembly to wherever you copied the .dll file initially.

Then the next time you start Revit you should be good to go...

2008-12-17, 07:40 PM
I followed your instructions and I am still have some problems.

I attached my revit.ini file for your review.

2008-12-17, 08:41 PM
Almost... :). the ECCount line should only show up once. That is what tells Revit how many total commands are installed. So you have ECCount=7 at the top, and ECCount=8 above the new command lines. Revit will read the top line and only look for 7 external commands and then skip to the next section. What you needed to do instead is change the first ECCount to ECCount=8, and not copy the ECCount out of the ini I posted.

See revised version, this should work.

2008-12-17, 09:06 PM
Thanks, is working right now. but is a problem. When I select one of the elements of list and press select and show elements or select elements, all the elements in that level are highlighted.

2008-12-17, 09:09 PM
that's actually what it's supposed to do. Now looking at it I suppose I shouldn't allow you to select elements from the list because that does imply that it will select just those elements. But for right now it just selects everything on that level. That's a good potential for a future improvement, though, I'll take it into consideration when I get a chance, thanks for the feedback.

Glad you got it working.

2008-12-17, 10:11 PM
Ok, thanks for the advice. it will be a great add on if we should select one element for the list and be Highlighted in the view.

2009-04-21, 09:16 AM
Just installed "find and replace" in RA 2010 and worked without a hitch. So all excited in installed "get level" and no joy. Oh well 1 out of 2 ain't bad., but still disapointed !!
So if anyone is up to the challange and can make it compatable it would be most appreciated .


2009-04-21, 03:49 PM
Just installed "find and replace" in RA 2010 and worked without a hitch. So all excited in installed "get level" and no joy. Oh well 1 out of 2 ain't bad., but still disapointed !!
So if anyone is up to the challange and can make it compatable it would be most appreciated .


thought I had tried this successfully, but I'll look at it again and see where updates are needed...


2009-04-22, 03:12 AM
thought I had tried this successfully, but I'll look at it again and see where updates are needed...


Sorry Steve, my fault ! Working just fine.
Thanks Mark

2009-04-24, 10:45 PM
Hey Steve,

This is a little late in response, but I have tested your new version with Revit Structure (2010) and it works fine. I tried it with MEP however, and it only seemed to grab equipment, fixtures, and devices. Line based elements such as ductwork and pipe as well as the corresponding fittings and accessories didn't display for me. See attached. Not sure why MEP line based elements would be any different from structural or architectural.

Thanks for developing this great tool!


2009-04-25, 07:01 AM
It would be great to have in Revit such basic tool like professional selection filter,
Please look here: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=962896#post962896

Maybe I'm wrong but Revit is like database so I wonder why there is a such big problem to filter elements by any kind of parameters?

It's not a question to you sfaust, thank you very much for your plugin. Just considering loudly... :)

2009-04-27, 03:18 PM
hmm. I'm not sure. I know for linear elements like walls it has to look for the workplane parameter instead of the level parameter, but it is set up to do that. I'll run some more tests and see what I can find out. Unfortunately I don't have MEP, so it may be a little hard for me to test. I'll see though.

2009-04-27, 03:53 PM
I got the latest version of this but I haven't been able to get it to work. Here is a portion of my Revit.ini file:

ECAssembly1=C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Extensions\Revit 2009\AREXRevitMngr.dll
ECName1=Revit Extensions for Revit Architecture 2009
ECDescription1=Manager for Revit Extensions for Revit Architecture 2009
ECName2=Get Level
ECAssembly2=C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Extensions\External 2009\GetLevel.dll

I'm not seeing anything after re-starting Revit. Is it supposed to show up under Extensions > Extensions Manager? Is it supposed to be its own entry like Extensions > Get Level?

2009-04-27, 03:59 PM
wait a sec, I noticed that first tool (the Extensions Manager I think) is missing the "ECName1" line, could that be causing any problems?

2009-04-27, 09:16 PM
No, it's seperate from extensions. The extensions are autodesk issued special items for subscription customers blah blah blah...

This is a seperate thing and should show up under Tools->External Tools->Get Level. Or if you are on 2010 it will be in the Add-Ins tab, External Pane, and under the External Tools drop down button.

Also, ECName1 is there, it's just at the end for some reason (which is odd that it doesn't follow convention since it's from Autodesk...).

2009-04-30, 12:53 PM
Whoops! My bad, yep it's right there under Tools. :Oops:

2009-11-11, 11:06 PM
So Mr. Steve, do you have a version for 2010 all ready to go? ;)

2009-11-12, 12:31 AM
Haven't tried it for a while, but I think the same .dll works for 2010 as well...

2009-11-12, 01:02 AM
Got it working and used it today. Put it under EA instead of EC in the .ini file at first, but once I got it in the correct location it works great. Ha vent used version 2 before. Took a min to get used to but I like the list idea.


2009-11-12, 01:16 AM
Seems to be working like a charm...thanks Steve!

2009-11-12, 06:50 PM
no problem :)

2009-11-17, 07:19 AM
Hi sfaust,

As you have developed the utility for all elements of the level, I used your utility, it extracted all the elements of the level but it does not extract the grid elements of the level in the list. similarly, I also do not get the level of grid elements in my program.I need to set the level attribute of a grid line elements through API.

How is it possible? Please provide help.


2009-11-17, 03:29 PM
I think you misunderstand grids a bit. Grids are reference datum's that go the full height of the building. They don't have a level property because they are not associated with a level. Look in the main Revit interface at the properties for a grid, level is not listed.

What is available in the main revit interface is the 3d extents of the grid both vertically and horizontally. It's possible that you could set this property via API but I can't say for sure as I've never tried it. Without knowing what you are trying to do I can't really say how to do it, but that's one thing to look at...

2010-05-25, 04:25 PM
Ok, I was having some trouble understanding and updating this command for 2011, but after a few pointers from others on this forum it is working sucessfully. I have attached the new version here for download including the .dll and the .addin manifest. Please let me know if you run accross any issues.

For installation, if you unzip the attached file and place the files at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2011" you should be good to go. If you want to place the .dll somewhere else you will need to edit the manifest file (an xml editor works best but notepad works fine too) to give the correct path.

Because they changed a lot of code in the 2011 API this version will no longer work with 2010 and previous. If you need one that does look earlier in the thread...

2010-05-26, 05:56 AM
Thanks a lot Steve! Love this precious addin. Sorry I can't give you any more peanuts for now :)

2010-05-26, 04:50 PM
:) Glad you like it. FYI I discovered yesterday that the two "select and show" buttons appear to be broken, but select works fine. Will look into this further and try to issue a fixed version as soon as possible...

2010-05-26, 10:22 PM
:) Glad you like it. FYI I discovered yesterday that the two "select and show" buttons appear to be broken, but select works fine. Will look into this further and try to issue a fixed version as soon as possible...

Ok, 'twas a relatively easy fix as I suspected, just failure to test full before posting :Oops:. Here is the updated command where all should be working correctly...

2010-05-26, 10:32 PM
Also I know MEP elements had some issues a while ago, would someone please test in MEP to see if this is resolved? I'm hoping it is but can't be sure and I don't have MEP...

2010-08-02, 12:32 AM
Hi, had this working in 2008 i think. Could someone tell me how to install in revit2011.


PS changed the path in GetLevel.addin to correct entry for windows7.

2010-08-26, 05:58 PM
can anybody help me add this to my revit, i do not know how to edit the revit ini file...please e-mail me at tanweer.dossa@genivar.com if you are able to help.

2010-10-07, 03:42 PM
Ok, 'twas a relatively easy fix as I suspected, just failure to test full before posting :Oops:. Here is the updated command where all should be working correctly...
Thanks again Steve, for this very useful tool! :beer:

can anybody help me add this to my revit, i do not know how to edit the revit ini file...please e-mail me at tanweer.dossa@genivar.com if you are able to help.
You no longer need to edit the .ini file - thank goodness! Just put the two files (.addin & .dll) into the folder Steve mentioned (below), or, if you want them in a different place, edit the .addin file with the correct path. (make sure you get his most recent .zip file)

For installation, if you unzip the attached file and place the files at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2011" you should be good to go. If you want to place the .dll somewhere else you will need to edit the manifest file (an xml editor works best but notepad works fine too) to give the correct path.

2011-06-03, 12:04 PM
Any chance for an update to allow using it in 2012? I get an error message: "... missing the required value for VendorId node."

Otherwise a great tool - helped us in many situations.
Thanks P.

2011-06-03, 12:54 PM
Well, there have been several people asking, had no idea this was that well used :). I was contemplating updating it, expanding it, and releasing it for a small fee. I would probably expand it so that it could filter elements by multiple levels, by category, or any combination. Would that be of interest to you or anyone else here? If so, what other properties/parameters would you like to have it able to filter by?

2011-06-09, 05:45 PM
Hi Steve, thanks a lot. I think it's a great little utility but haven't used it in a long time so I cannot say what other filtering would be nice to have. I found it very valuable when we needed to delete some redundant levels but had to find what was hosted on them first so we could move those objects to another level and then perform the deletion when it was safe to do so. This is really something Revit should be able to do without a plugin (ask if we want elements to be re-hosted when a level is deleted).

2011-06-09, 07:25 PM
Thanks for the feedback Dave. That's the reason I originally wrote it, but after some disucssions with other folks I think it could be expanded (relatively) easily to include some of the other items mentioned and it would expand the usefulness quite a bit. Anyway, will look into it but probably will come out with something in the near future.

Cathy Hadley
2011-07-13, 07:36 PM
Any News on this front? Love the Utility as a teaching tool and can't wait for the 2012 version.

2011-07-13, 08:00 PM
Not yet but I am working on it. Would like to get it out in the next month at least if not sooner... At some point I could use a few beta testers; if anyone is interested just post or pm me and I'll put you on the list...

2011-07-28, 03:21 AM
Steve - awesome tool, stops me killing workmates who enjoy avalanches of levels, can't wait for the 2012 version (literally - deadline tomorrow - guess I better start hiding... first the levels...then possibly myself) but when it comes out would be happy to be beta tester,

2011-07-28, 02:59 PM
haha. Well anytime you can stop homicide in it's tracks with a Revit addin I'd call that a success :). FYI to anyone interested I should be ready for testers this week. If anyone is interested PM me...

2011-07-28, 11:41 PM
Rather than manually hiding levels, create a worker and set it to not be visible by default. Then place unwanted workers on it.

Steve, count me in!

2011-07-28, 11:45 PM
Rather than manually hiding levels, create a workset and set it to not be visible by default. Then place unwanted levels on it.

Steve, count me in!

2011-08-09, 04:33 PM
Steve, you can count on me as well. I miss not having this in 2012.



2011-08-18, 06:15 PM

Wanted to post an announcement here that the new version is available for purchase. It's called 'Selection Master' and can be found at http://www.software.revolutiondesign.biz/selectionmaster. Hope you find it useful!


Ning Zhou
2013-01-16, 03:46 AM
I found it very valuable when we needed to delete some redundant levels but had to find what was hosted on them first so we could move those objects to another level and then perform the deletion when it was safe to do so. This is really something Revit should be able to do without a plugin (ask if we want elements to be re-hosted when a level is deleted).
worst of all, after you do delete level, Revit won't warn you any elements being deleted except views.
i'm currently writing the plugin of "Delete Level Safely" which will delete the level and rehost all affected elements to another level, works for most elements but still have quite few issues like group, read-only level, etc., well, good enough for us since it's mainly for in-house usage.
just wonder if anyone had similar experience? i mean trying to rehost element(s) to another level using API.

2013-01-16, 06:39 PM
worst of all, after you do delete level, Revit won't warn you any elements being deleted except views.
i'm currently writing the plugin of "Delete Level Safely" which will delete the level and rehost all affected elements to another level, works for most elements but still have quite few issues like group, read-only level, etc., well, good enough for us since it's mainly for in-house usage.
just wonder if anyone had similar experience? i mean trying to rehost element(s) to another level using API.

There are several gotcha's when trying to rehost, you have to watch out for multi-level elements, workplane based, etc... There is now a rehost tool in Selection Master but it took some coding to cover all necessary items.

Ning Zhou
2013-01-18, 06:28 AM
thanks Steve, you're right, rehost isn't easy indeed, even manually.
haven't tried your Selection Master yet, will download and try it later, before that, just a quick question, can your tool rehost multiple group instances, say to another level?

2013-01-20, 05:29 AM
Yes it can. It also has options to rehost and leave in the same place or to rehost and move. Leave in the same place does not change the physical location, just modifies offsets and level base and move keeps the offset parameter and moves the object in space.

For example if you have level 1 at 0'0" and level 2 at 15'0" and you rehost an object with 0'0" offset from level 1 to level 2 same place would end up with the same object based on level 2 with a -15'0" offset and move would end up with the same oject based on level 2 with a 0'0" offset.

Let me know what you think when you get a chance to try the tool. Feel free to PM or email me any suggestions too.

2015-07-27, 12:22 PM
Will this addin work with Revit 2015?

I have a few levels in a project which I want to delete but I have no idea what is associated to the level and don't want to risk losing anything.

If this doesn't work, is there any other addin that will do this?

2015-07-29, 02:26 AM
Hi Jozi,

As mentioned above, the GetLevel has been incorporated into Selection Master (http://www.revolutiondesign.biz/selectionmaster/). It's doubtful that the original command will work in 2015 but you are welcome to try. Otherwise Selection Master holds the same (improved) functionality as well as other functionality and should be able to do what you are looking for.


2017-01-30, 07:34 PM
Hi Steve,

How do I install the Get Level plugin into Revit?


2017-02-01, 05:34 PM
As mentioned above, GetLevel has been incorporated into Selection Master (http://revolutiondesign.biz/selectionmaster/SMfeatures.html). It's doubtful that the original command will work in any newer version of Revit (I think the last version was 2009 if I recall) but you are welcome to try. Otherwise Selection Master holds the same (improved) functionality as well as other functionality and should be able to do what you are looking for.

2017-09-29, 03:38 PM
I've created (with lots of help from GuyR and Elizabeth Shulok in this thread: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=70906) a utility that will find all of the elements that are associated with a certain level.

The reason I created this is to help out with times when you want to delete a level. Revit does not warn you about what is associated with a certain level (and therefore will be deleted when the level is deleted. We have had cases where minor levels were deleted and we found out later that some elements were deleted with the level that we didn't realize were associated.

So, simply run this tool, which will give a list of levels in the project, let you choose one, and then show you all the elements on that level or tell you if there are none. It will also then let you select or select and show the elements.

One caveat is that stacked walls seem to act a little strange. They do not schedule in themselves, but the pieces of them will show up twice; once as a wall and once as a curtain panel. Try it with a simple project with only a single stacked wall and you'll see what I mean. Because of this I have put in a warning if there are stacked walls present telling the user just this. This does not, however, effect the selecting/showing. All elements will be selected still.

I'm very new to programming so go easy if there are bugs, but please let me know and also if you have any ideas for improvements let me know.


Hello I would like to use your tool for the reasons listed above. Can you tell me how once downloaded one uses this within Revit? Also I am in Revit 2018 so this must not compatible after further reading in your thread.. any insight is appreciated and thank you!

2017-09-29, 03:45 PM
Hello I would like to use your tool for the reasons listed above. Can you tell me how once downloaded one uses this within Revit? Also I am in Revit 2018 so this must not compatible after further reading in your thread.. any insight is appreciated and thank you!

Yes unfortunately GetLevel won't work on newer versions of Revit as the API has changed significantly since that last update. However as I mentioned above all the functionality (and more) of GetLevel has been incorporated into the commercial software Selection Master (available at http://revolutiondesign.biz/selectionmaster/SMfeatures.html). You would need to purchase Selection Master for these features; note that there is also a free trial available.