View Full Version : Lost Annotation

2007-11-20, 06:49 PM
We are working on a pretty large arena and set up the drawings so that the quadrants where dependant on the overall floor plans. At a certain point in the project we decided there was no longer any advantage to keeping them parented any more. So we made them independant so that we may have more contol over how annotation read on each sheet such as column bubbles. On most of the quadrant sheets this worked fine with the excetion of 3 or 4 of them where all annotation (door tags, dimensioning, room tags, callouts, etc.....) where all gone. We have looked at every setting and there is no way to get that information back short of recreating. Anybody have any clue as to why this would happen. Thanks for any input you can give.

2007-11-21, 01:32 PM
Not sure how that happened. Did you lose the annotation on the parent view as well?

You could either cut and paste the annotation from the original parent to the now independent view Or you could just duplicate with detailing the original parent view, modify it's crop boundaries to match the former dependent view, then delete the former dependent.

2008-03-11, 01:20 AM
I'm noticing this thread was posted over 3 months ago, but we have just encountered a possibly similar situation. A model file for a project that had been put on-hold due to budgeting reasons was re-opened recently. After a week of editing it was noticed that even though we didn't lose any of the detail views that had been called out - the tags and their boundaries had disappeared. To add even more mystery to the situation, this didn't happen with all callouts; it happened randomly. Some plan views would lose a number of the callouts, while other views didn't lose any.

We were able to pull up an earlier version of the model file, and with some experimenting found that the "vanishing act" happened when we upgraded to v.2008. From that discovery, we then went to the untouched pre-2008 model to seek out any differences in the properties between those that had disappeared and those that had survived. The small differences we did find and revised didn't affect the outcome. Also worth noting, is that most (maybe all - haven't checked the full set) of the plan views will not allow any more callouts to be added to them. The error message states to check the view properties, however all settings are set to normal and 'on' for callouts and plan regions, etc.

We haven't installed the new build version yet. Maybe this may fix it, however I'm having a hard time believing that if they're not showing up now they're not going to appear after the upgrade either...

Has anybody else encountered this?

2008-03-11, 12:34 PM
Install the new build. In the original installation of 2008, Detail Callouts won't show up on cropped floor plan views, but Floor Plan Callouts will show up. A build released last summer fixes this problem.

2008-03-12, 02:03 AM
Thanks Ihanyok - The SP3 install fixed it.