View Full Version : markup layer - would this be useful ?

2007-11-20, 10:33 PM
I have often wish I could use a wacom pen to do a quick red line or freehand sketch over a floor plan and be able to tun it on or off in VP. Would anyone else find this useful ? Is it on the wish list?

2007-11-20, 10:48 PM
The latest Adobe Acrobat has markup tools that we have made use of quite a few times for marking up things when sending back and forth between engineers.

But I guess it would be cool to have it right there where you're working.

2007-11-20, 10:54 PM
I use acrobat pro all the time and its great. I guess I was thinking more of a free hand sketch tool for design. I also find that most architects prefer to have the freedom of a pen and that the PDF CAD kind of lines are slow and would almost be faster to just edit the model. Does acrobat pro have a free hand tool?

2007-11-20, 11:22 PM
We thought about this and tested it - the pain became too intense. We now use Autodesk Design Review, it has markup tools, stamps and is much easier to use than Acrobat, IMHO. It's to the point were we are putting the Wacom Cintiq tablet monitor in the budget for our QC architect.

2007-11-21, 03:52 AM
Hey, I'm in Santa Rosa and I noticed that:

"...Wacom Cintiq tablet monitor in the budget..."

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