View Full Version : Third Party Revit Software

2007-11-20, 10:50 PM
After downloading and installing the recent Avatech offering - I was elated to see what they had done. They partially filled some long standing wishes - i.e. door and room renumbering ... and added a wonderfull new utility to download Revitcity content. I think their effort is very commendable.

I was pondering if these utilities would find there way into mainstream Revit or would they die a slow death since it appears they need to be updated for each and every new release of Revit. I suspect they will find their way into a much larger Avatech suite which will be offered as a third party piece of software at a reasonable price - not 999 euros.

Would be a terrible shame to get addicted to using "someones third party add ons" just to eventually end up losing them.

On the positive side I believe it is only through these third party developers will we ever see the Revit tools we have long been requesting. Probably it is unreasonable to expect Autodesk to meet these needs. There interests are just to wide spread to see any real concentrated effort.


Dick Barath

2007-11-21, 12:09 AM
Maybe they will release the source code so that the Revit community can update them with the new releases.