View Full Version : Simple Tips?

2007-11-21, 11:35 PM
Wondering if we could start a thread of things that are simple, but often overlooked in Revit, as they are just so simple that they don't normally get discussed. I found one today that will come in handy as I had been doing it wrong before:

When zoomed in tight to a larger model, and wanting to orbit, previously I would orbit normally and get a whacked orbit as it performed it about the centroid of the whole model. Found out today, that if I select an object first, then orbit is performed about the centroid of the selected object. That's cool, but I had never heard that discussed before.

2007-11-22, 03:58 AM
Great tip Wes.,been wanting to do that forever.So simple! Great idea for thread

2007-11-22, 02:49 PM
Hey there,

I don't agree...a tip is a tip, no matter what skill level you have or how basic a tip. A separate thread is not needed. You should post any tip you want, right here, with it's own title so that others can search for it easier. I don't believe that there are simple or complicated tips....they are all just helpful pieces of information that one may or may not be aware of.

I know several users that didn't know some things that I learned waaaaayyyyy back in 5.0! Only to turn around and have someone show me something new that it was introduced in 3.0!! You can't know EVERYTHING!

You just keep on posting your tips right here! Someone will surely benefit.
(Just for the record, I didn't discovery your tip about spinning until last year at AU2006 during Phil's class!)

2007-11-23, 12:03 PM
Spacebar flips the orientation of objects as you place them.
If you hover over an angled element, the orientation will match it. Very useful for placing furniture.

You can right click on wall endpoints and select 'disallow join' instead of using the Wall Joins command.

2007-11-26, 03:52 AM
When zooming with the scroll wheel, the curser is the point it zooms around.

clog boy
2007-11-26, 01:01 PM
If you create a new object style in a family, it can be turned on or off using visibility/graphics within your project.

All shared parameters can be tagged and scheduled, and usually you can manipulate these parameters when clicking the value in the tag or schedule.

To me these are two very fundamental pointers, and I teach them to Revit pupils when I think they're able to understand and properly use the concept. I also need to point them to all of the above.
We used to have an entire file with little known facts, like 'don't cascade your constraints, but align/constrain them individually to the leading object/grid/ref plane'. All these things became obvious very soon tho, while newbies would only learn by finding it out for themself or through oral instruction. But I think it would help to lump them together right here for inspirational purposes.

Keep them coming!

2007-11-27, 09:06 AM
Here's a few more:

Revit Quick Tips

Finding a Material quickly in the Type Selector

If you have dozens of materials and you are tired of scrolling through the type selector, then simply type the first letter of the material you wish to select and the list will automatically move to types beginning with that letter...this also works with any list i.e. wall styles, doors etc.

Drawing A Wall

When drawing a wall and the construction is back to front, simply use the spacebar to flip the wall over. (See Revits Magic Space Bar for more at www.revitup.co.za)

Dynamic Roofs

To dynamically change a roof ridgeline, switch to a 3d view and select the roof to reveal the grip points. Click on the grip and drag upwards to dynamically change the ridgeline.

Walls Too

Slightly different approach this time. Hold the cursor over the top edge of the wall then using the tab key, cycle through the options until the top edge of the wall highlights grey. Left click to select the edge and the wall should highlight red. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the wall to the required height.

Callouts and Sections

When making new callouts or sections use the option bar to set view scale. Revit automatically assigns detail level to the new views depending on the view scale you set. This can save a few steps in workflow.

Generating Levels

Use the array command to create multiple floor levels and produce all the associated views. Select one marker and then select the array command, next enter the distance required for all levels making sure the "move to 2nd option" is selected and then enter the desired number of levels required.

Building Grids

Use the same method used in creating the multiple floor levels to create a building grid. Place one grid line making sure the numbering is correct. Select the grid and as before, use the array command to create the grid structure.The grid numbering will increment too.

Eastings & Northings

Need to create N/E’s coordinates? Go to the Drafting menu and select Spot Dimension> Spot Coordinate…simple. Try the Spot Elevation Dimension on any object in Section / Elevation as well.

Enjoy you Revit users you


Revitout, Revitin Revitup - www.revitup.co.za

Alex Page
2007-11-29, 02:02 AM
When using the mirror command, hold down the 'ctrl' key to toggle the 'copy' tick on and off.

A real shame it doesnt work with other commands 'tick' like the 'split' command 'delete inner segment'

2007-11-29, 12:46 PM
When using the mirror command, hold down the 'ctrl' key to toggle the 'copy' tick on and off.

A real shame it doesnt work with other commands 'tick' like the 'split' command 'delete inner segment'

Nice one. Used it this morning...usually I forget the copy is on, and get one when I really don't want one...Then it's Ctrl+Z and try it again.

2007-11-29, 03:04 PM
When using the mirror command, hold down the 'ctrl' key to toggle the 'copy' tick on and off.

amazing how often I still learn things off this forum. Never knew that, thanks!

clog boy
2007-11-30, 01:02 PM
amazing how often I still learn things off this forum. Never knew that, thanks!

*cough* (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=70675)
It's been dealth with about a month ago, when I pointed out 'copy with unchecking copy' offers more freedom than just 'move'. The only difference: Disjoin is checked by default when copying. Copy and Move are essentially the same command.

The Copy checkbox can also be toggled when attempting to rotate and mirror an object.

Live and learn, and keep checking that Option Bar!

2007-11-30, 03:25 PM
I knew you could toggle the copy on and off, just didn't know pressing ctrl did it, I thought you had to go up there with the mouse and check or uncheck it...

2007-11-30, 05:40 PM
... and keep checking that Option Bar!
I was going to post that as a Simple Tip, but thought that was too simple. Maybe not...

2007-12-02, 09:36 AM
Space bar to flip window and door tags horizontal / vertical, for those who maybe don't already know.

2007-12-03, 12:12 AM
Learned this one at AU just days ago.

In Family Editor, you might want to make Width or some such an Instance Parameter, but it comes pre-created in the template as a Type Parameter and can't be edited in the Family Types dialog. If the parameter is already used as a Label just click the dimension and you will get an instance Parameter check box in the Options Bar. If the parameter hasn't been used in a label yet, just throw in a few dummy Ref Planes, throw a dimension on and label it. Once the parameter is changed, delete this stuff.

Not sure if that one actually paid for AU outright, but it sure made me happy ;) I think it was Matt Dillon's class, so thanks Matt!


Alex Page
2007-12-03, 01:35 AM
:Oops:good one, I have never thought of that, and its always bugged me, cheers for sharing

Learned this one at AU just days ago.

In Family Editor, you might want to make Width or some such an Instance Parameter, but it comes pre-created in the template as a Type Parameter and can't be edited in the Family Types dialog. If the parameter is already used as a Label just click the dimension and you will get an instance Parameter check box in the Options Bar. If the parameter hasn't been used in a label yet, just throw in a few dummy Ref Planes, throw a dimension on and label it. Once the parameter is changed, delete this stuff.

Not sure if that one actually paid for AU outright, but it sure made me happy ;) I think it was Matt Dillon's class, so thanks Matt!


2007-12-03, 09:19 PM
This is perhaps silly - but a great shock to me. I didn't release the "delete" key on the keyboard will do just that - " d e l e t e ".

2007-12-10, 11:55 AM
Altering the number of Backups Revit creates:

It's been one loooong year and I'm tired.

Revitup is now 9 months old and is now 86 pages of content... not bad for playing around in the evenings...I must get a life at some point lol

Here's the final tip for the year: http://www.revitup.co.za/_mgxroot/page_10808.html

How to alter the number of backups Revit creates. I'm always being asked this one.

Hope some of you have found the site useful.

Till the New Year


2007-12-10, 02:24 PM
Your site is probably the best tips site on Revit around.

Many thanks for your efforts.

Best wishes for Christmas and Hogmanay :beer: ;)

2007-12-10, 03:15 PM
Wow thanks William!!!

I had some great news from the company I work for. Even though Revitup is my site and will remain as such a blog site written by me, they have bought me a copy of DreamWeaver and have said that they will host the site on their server - which in short means I can expand the site quickly and make is much more user friendly and also faster.

Currently I use an online web builder and host - which makes life very slow now that the site is over 90 pages.

I am looking forward to the New Year and making the menus work better - e.g. I will create sub-menus and break the tips down into various groups etc.

Also I can include Flash based animation and can put up example animations of tips, plus upload all sorts of documents that people will be able to download (again i can't do that currently)

So keep watching the revitup space for some hopefully major news updates and changes



2007-12-10, 05:45 PM
I had some great news from the company I work for. Even though Revitup is my site and will remain as such a blog site written by me, they have bought me a copy of DreamWeaver and have said that they will host the site on their server - which in short means I can expand the site quickly and make is much more user friendly and also faster.
Good for you! I too appreciate your site - I've picked up some very helpful info from you. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to an even better experience!

2007-12-10, 06:09 PM
Quote: "Your site is probably the best tips site on Revit around.

Many thanks for your efforts."

As a novice Revit user, I've found your site very useful
and the downloads a great service. All the best in your
expansion of the resource.

San Francisco