View Full Version : unable to copy from project file to family

Max Lloyd
2007-11-22, 05:27 PM
Hi everyone.

This feels like a newbie question, but here goes....

I am trying to copy some drafting lines from a project file into a family file. When in the family file I want them to be symbolic lines.

However, first problem is when I try to copy and paste, I have the error message saying 'can't copy from project to family'. I have managed to get around this by first pasting into a 'detail component' family file, then copying and pasting from there into my (happens to be plumbing fixtures) family file.

Thats ok, but then the lines come in as model lines, whereas I want them as symbolic lines.

Does anyone have any suggestions for converting the model lines to symbolic lines (or have a better workflow for this?)

(the reason I am asking is that one of the users has made up a great library of components all drawn in 2d in a project file and there are about 100 different objects that I want to transfer into family files.....where they should have been created in the first place!)

Any help would be greatfully appreciated! :)



Justin Marchiel
2007-11-22, 07:00 PM
why not just have the detail component rest in the family and be done with it? i dont see the need to take the lines out of the detail family once you have already done the work.


2007-11-22, 07:03 PM
There are really two limitations here.
1: You can't change a Drafting/Symbolic Line to a Model Line, or visa versa. And..
2: You can't copy between a project and a family.

The best answer I have found is create a new view in the project, crop it back just to the area of interest, and export to DWG. Now import the DWG into the family and make Symbolic Lines using the Pick tool. Then delete the DWG. Now you have a nice clean native Revit family to insert back into the project, after cleaning out all the Model line work. And hopefully the user will never again "draft" in Revit, they will make a family like they are supposed to. ;)


2007-11-22, 11:35 PM
Or make the lines a group
save it out
import group into family
use pick tool

Max Lloyd
2007-11-23, 08:51 AM
Thanks guys.

I was aware of using the pick tool, but was really hoping to not have to re-trace over all of the elements.

It would be great if the pick tool could work with a crossing window selection instead of just an individual pick.....(btw, I do know about the 'tab' function to select things in chains, but a window selection would be even better for tracing.)

I will try Justin's idea of using it as a detail component nested into the family. I had thought of that, but was simply trying to avoid having to create so many files.

Shame you can't simply convert model lines to symbolic!

Guess its simply best to do things right in the first place......



Gadget Man
2007-11-23, 09:13 AM
Now, I don't know if that would work for the lines, but you CAN "save" the in-place family in your project file into a Family file... with a trick.

The trick is that while in the in-place family EDIT MODE in your project, highlight all the objects and copy them into a clipboard (<CTRL> <C>).

Go to your Family file (in the same instance of REVIT - second file opened) and paste them there (<CTRL> <V>)...

It works for "saving" in-place family solids into "stand-alone" families, so maybe it would also work for the lines...

clog boy
2007-11-23, 09:21 AM
What's wrong with import it as a detail component, no tracing at all, and place a masking region under it? Your question is not a n00b question at all, you're just cleaning up after a n00b mistake. No matter how great his families are.

Anyhow, as it seems the pick tool is your way to go. There's another aftermoon of mind-numbing work fer ya ;) (or have a trainee do it, as it will teach him the bliss of doing it right the first time)

Max Lloyd
2007-11-23, 10:01 AM
or have a trainee do it, as it will teach him the bliss of doing it right the first time)

The trainee has just been trained.....;) (should keep them busy for a while!)