View Full Version : Cut & Fill?

2004-08-19, 04:08 AM
Where exactly can I access these tools? Or is this a term I've heard for the site topo?
I'm not seeing it, I'm sure I just need more sleep and it's right in front of me. Story of my life lately.

Z z .

2004-08-19, 04:23 AM
This is the full story on Cut and Fill as I wasn't sure which part you were unsure about :-

The way Revit reports the values is by making a comparison between a surface from one phase and, from a later phase, another surface whose boundary lies within the earlier surface. For example, Revit can compare between a toposurface created in Phase 1 and a toposurface created in Phase 2 that lies within the boundary of the surface from Phase 1.

When you select the later surface and click Properties, you see three new instance properties: Cut, Fill, and Net Cut/Fill.

The Cut value is the volume removed, or it is where the later surface is lower than the earlier surface.

The Fill value is the volume added, or it is where the later surface is higher than the earlier surface.

Net Cut/Fill value comes from subtracting the cut value from the fill value.

Seeing the Cut/Fill Volumes

This procedure is a general method of reporting cut/fill values. There are other ways to report values, including sketching a new surface within an existing surface.

Create a toposurface in a site plan view.
Select the finished toposurface, click Properties and set its Phase Created value to a phase earlier than the view's phase. For example, set the Phase Created value to Existing while the view's phase is New Construction. <LI class=list_1 value=3>Create a graded region on the toposurface by clicking Graded Region from the Site tab of the Design Bar.
Click the Select and Edit command and select the toposurface. This demolishes the original surface and creates a copy that occupies the same boundary as the original.
When you finish the graded region, select the toposurface copy and click Properties. You see the new cut/fill properties listed for the toposurface.
Note: You may need to press TAB to select the copied surface. Also, you may want to apply a Phase Filter to the view that shows only new elements, and not demolished ones.

Cut and Fill in a Schedule

You can create a topography schedule that includes cut, fill, and net cut/fill as schedulable fields. You should also name the different surfaces to distinguish them in your schedule.

Cut and Fill Reporting with Building Pads

If you add a building pad to a graded surface, you will see cut and fill reported separately for the pad and the toposurface in a topography schedule. This is because the pad divides the graded surface into two surfaces: one is the surface under the pad, and one is the surface not under the pad.

You should name both the graded surface and the pad surface in order to distinguish them in your schedule.

To select the surface under the pad, you can press TAB to prehighlight it, or you can turn off the pad's visibility.

2004-08-19, 11:05 AM
Hey thanks Beegee. Your help is always appriciated. You know, I really feel my second wind coming on using Revit lately. I've busted out 2 pretty decent prelims from scratch in less than 8 hrs for each one, I am pretty psyched about that.

Ok, in case you havn't figured it out, I'm back on my "site plan" project, argh...

Just so I understand this right...I've done what you suggested above...

I've labeled the contours of the existing topo, but I also have to show PROPOSED grade. Should I "copy with detailing" for a "Proposed Grading Plan". How do you do it?

Thanks a lot. It's 4am and I still have 5-6 hours left I'm sure...sigh...must...have...coffee.... ;)

2004-08-19, 11:34 AM
do you have any existing topo/new grades to work with (like surveyor information) Its much easier to import than to create a large site.

2004-08-19, 06:31 PM
I thought that cut/fill was supposed to tell you the differential between the original grading and the new grading. I used this tool recently and couldn't find any way that it would tell me. Did I do something wrong or am I mistaken on the potential function?


2004-08-19, 07:14 PM
...cut/fill was supposed to tell you the differential...couldn't find any way that it would tell me...You need to have topo in a phase, change to a view in the next phase, use the Graded Region command. Revit copies the existing topo to the current phase and you alter this topo.

When you look at the properties of the new topo there are fields for the cut/fill and difference. The data in the attached thumbnail is for a flat site that had a 3 ft mound of earth dumped on top...just added some points in the middle at 3ft above existing grade.

2004-08-19, 07:15 PM
It will work but it's tricky. Setting the phasing and comparing is key. It is not straight forward, and I had some dirt guys question the quantity issued on the last job...

2004-09-02, 03:31 AM
You need to have topo in a phase, change to a view in the next phase, use the Graded Region command. Revit copies the existing topo to the current phase and you alter this topo.

When you look at the properties of the new topo there are fields for the cut/fill and difference. The data in the attached thumbnail is for a flat site that had a 3 ft mound of earth dumped on top...just added some points in the middle at 3ft above existing grade.Thanks Steve. I think the problem I had was that I was selecting the wrong item, I must have been selecting the original geometry instead of the new geometry and looking for that info.

Of course, I now yet have questions regarding the information reported as shown in http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7684 this thread.

2004-09-02, 09:08 PM
It will work but it's tricky. Setting the phasing and comparing is key. It is not straight forward, and I had some dirt guys question the quantity issued on the last job...

Don't foget you have to add a +- 10% of the fill brought on site for compaction