View Full Version : Door family issues?

2007-11-26, 08:17 PM
I have created a simple door family which I'm trying to have an instance parameter that will control the panel swing if the door. Ideally I would like the default to be 90 degrees but be able to change it to 45 degrees (which is how we show an existing door) and have it swing open to 180 degrees and appear to be on a hold open. I have a reference line in place and a parameter called Panel Swing that all seems to flex just fine until I add the symbolic lines for the plan view I then test things out again and get an error message as I am only able to flex the item to certain extents.

I also found that when I test the family out in a project and change the panel swing parameter the door seems to move location which also makes not sense to me.

If I am heading down a wrong path and there is an easier way to do this I would be open to suggestions too.

2007-11-26, 08:44 PM
Creating a door family with a variable swing is no easy task. I am at AU2007 right now, so I cannot send you any of my examples. But I can give you a couple of pointers:

1) Measure your variable angle so that the door swings from 90 to 180 degrees. Revit does not like 0-degree angles. I have found a symbol may work fine until fully opened (90
) or closed (0) and then falls apart. You may also want to include a simple formula for entering the angle in the numbers you're used to (0-90) and maybe even a conditional formula that prevents overextending.
2) Use reference lines and pin them down. Reference lines rotate much easier than reference planes. Also turn on your temporary dimensions in the family editor to give you a hint of how the family is constraining itself.

I hope this helps!

2007-11-26, 08:47 PM
What I do in my door famlies is to create a door swing family. It is just symbolic lines that represent the door in swing in plan view. I then hide the actually 3D door geometry in plan view so only the door swing family displays.The door swing family has a parameter that controls the door swing. I think load this door swing family into my door families and link the parameters. Once you make it you can use it in all of your single door families. I also have a door swing familiy for double doors & un even doors.

I have never had any problems with any of the door families I have created using this meathod

2007-12-12, 10:35 PM
I am also having door family issues, but not the same as above.

I edited the Double Glass door family to include a transom and half round above it. However, when I try and place it in my project, I keep getting the error message "Can't cut instance of 72" x 84" out of Wall." Unfortunately, the error message does not explain what I did wrong.

I'm pretty new to Revit (hence my total of 1 post). Could someone look at my file and tell me what I've done wrong? Thank you so much!

2007-12-13, 03:04 AM
I don't have revit at home to check out your family...but you may want to try adding the door in 3D....just try it and see if it gives you an error, or if it shows you something weird....

Basically, from past experience, but in anolder version, I would attempt to add a door in plan, and it would give me the same error...but when in 3D it wouldn't....I came to discover that while in plan, it was trying to insert the door at an elevation where the wall was not existing...so it would delete it, since I was trying to insert it where there was no wall....in 3D I can still place it, but I see where in elevation I am placing it....so it would be placed in a wall and not be forced to deletion...

this may not be your case....but until it gets figured out, it won't hurt to try what I suggested...

I am also having door family issues, but not the same as above.

I edited the Double Glass door family to include a transom and half round above it. However, when I try and place it in my project, I keep getting the error message "Can't cut instance of 72" x 84" out of Wall." Unfortunately, the error message does not explain what I did wrong.

I'm pretty new to Revit (hence my total of 1 post). Could someone look at my file and tell me what I've done wrong? Thank you so much!

2007-12-13, 05:19 AM
Get your hands on Steve Stafford's AU 2005 lab material on how to create a door with all the bells and whistles. It's the best tutorial I have ever laid my hands on and it was my intro into family editing. It'll walk you through a lot of techniques and you'll go really far with it.

EDIT: Here you go:

2007-12-13, 06:07 PM
Luigi- I tried inserting it into a 3D view but it did not work. Thank you for the idea, though, as I saw that it was trying to cut through a floor (I had drawn an open to above space as a floor with an opening, instead of having the floor boundary go around the opening). I changed my floor and tried again, and still no dice.

...So it must be my door.

David- Thank you for pointing me in this direction, that's definitely an in-depth tutorial and something I was looking for!

2007-12-13, 06:22 PM
I figured it out. In my door family, I accidentally had two openings overlapping each other, so one was not cutting through anything. As soon as I deleted my extra opening it worked. Thank you again for your help! :)