View Full Version : View Properties: Associated Level

2007-11-28, 02:14 PM
Boy, we're having fun now! I started a two story building (1st Revit Project) with the commercial-default template. 1st thing I did was go to an elevation view, which had a level 1 and roof level, along with a couple of T.O. Footing, and B.O. Footing levels.

Not knowing the consequences, I changed the roof level to level 2, and added an additional level for the roof. That caused some heart-burn down the road. My level 2 view range was set incorrectly, which I fixed.

But, now, I find that the Roof Framing view has an "Associated Level" when I go to it's view properties. The Associated level is Level 2, but is greyed out there, and I can not change it.

Anyone know how I can quickly change this? I have already drawn quite a few walls on the level 2, so I don't want to simple make this the roof and then do a new level 2.


Mike Sealander
2007-11-28, 02:27 PM
A quick fix might be to delete the roof framing view, and create a new one associated with the correct roof level.

2007-11-28, 05:47 PM
Ok, I did that...some differences:

The original Roof Framing Plans showed the Floor Slab, which gave me reason to believe I would see the Roof element in my new Roof Framing plan, which is associated to the Roof. No Roof element shows though. I checked my VG, and Roofs are on.

Not sure what is causing this difference.

Any help? Thanks

Mike Sealander
2007-11-28, 09:06 PM
Open up the original commercial template and look at all the visibility settings. Also, if you are modeling structural roof framing within an architectural roof object, then the roof will hide the framing elements when the view is set to hidden line. I'm not sure I understand the situation you are in, but these suggestions hopefully get you further down your path.