View Full Version : Nested Rooms?

2007-11-28, 07:51 PM
I know that this isn't seeming likely, but that's pretty much what I'm looking for...I think.

I've have a multi-family project where I'd like to sort the schedules by unit number, and then even further by rooms of that unit. This schedule we use specifically for QAQC of our lighting and door schedules.

At any rate, I'm trying to figure out how to do this. At first, I was trying to put smaller "Rooms" inside a larger "Room", but this wasn't working at all. Some suggestions have pointed to breaking the unit up in an area plan, and then doing the rooms of the unit as "Rooms". When I tested this, I wasn't able to add the Area information to the lighting schedule or to a multicategory schedule.

I had a thought of using a Shared Parameter to add a Unit Number/Name to each Room, but then you have to manually enter that in each room. Is there a way to link the Area Name to the room and use that in a schedule?

Again, I hope I'm missing something simple.

2007-11-28, 11:27 PM
I had a thought of using a Shared Parameter to add a Unit Number/Name to each Room, but then you have to manually enter that in each room

This looks good to me
not that much work unless you have 2000 Units

2007-11-28, 11:42 PM
It's not necessarily the number of units that I'm concerned about, but the number of rooms. The way I was imagining the solution to work, the shared parameter (Unit Number/Name) would be added to each room. That seems a bit messy and un-revit-like.

2007-11-29, 02:04 AM
i understand ,still
we use rooms often for color plans instead of Area Plans
using shared Parameters like Colorscheme 1 ,2 ,3 to be able to create
different color schemes from the same Rooms/Units
you could use your Unit Parameter with a color scheme for visual check
just marquee select the whole unit
filter the selection to Rooms
go to element properties enter the parameter and you have a visual check at the same time

2007-11-29, 02:51 PM
Nesting rooms or areas isn't something that Revit does automatically. It would be a good feature to have. If you are doing retail and sales flor layout, you needs departments with many different nested spaces inside and then more spaces inside those spaces. Down to the tie rack sitting on a counter. It would be nice if Revit saw those relationships.

2007-11-29, 03:02 PM
What if you just included the number of the unit in each room number? For example: Unit number 308 would have room numbers 308-1, 308-2, 308-3 and so on; or perhaps 308A, 308B, 308C and so on.

Then you could sort and group numerically/alphabetically.


2007-11-29, 03:15 PM
regarding the shared parameter idea, remember that you can winow select several rooms at once and change the parameter. Just window select everything in level 1 of your first unit, use the filter to get rooms only, then go into properties and enter the unit number. Repeat once per floor/unit and you're done...

2007-11-30, 12:16 AM
I think you are making this more complicated than it needs to be. There are so many different ways to filter/sort schedules, it seems to me that by figuring out a naming/numbering system for your units and rooms, you should be able to sort your schedules any way you want to without adding new parameters or nesting rooms.

2007-11-30, 05:16 PM
Thanks to everyone for the ideas. I do agree that adding parameters does seem like overkill. I feel like I am making this more complicated than it really needs to be. At the same time, it seems like there should be an option in Revit somewhere to associate a room to it's bounding area as defined in an area plan. I probably won't get a chance to dig into this for another few weeks, so if anyone can think of a cleaner solution, I'm all ears.

2007-12-03, 07:27 PM
Typically the way I handle it, is with an area plan. The "unit" is the area object. and the rooms are the rooms in it. This is fine for area analysis, however stinkes for scheduling due to 2 sep schedules and a room doesn't know what area it is in. we've been asking for a "unit editor" for years. There still in my opinion is no good way to do a repeating unit project in revit. Don't get me wrong we do them everyday, its just not as easy as it should be.