View Full Version : How do you lock a circular object to a reference plane?

2007-11-28, 10:26 PM
I am making a floor based family of a panel which has round glass blocks inserted into it. The panel has a border (this is the structural part, or what bears on the structure below the floor) which I want to parameterize as it can vary depending on design. I then want the inner edge of the border to be the location line of the round extrusions and voids(the glass block inserts). so far, so good....

I want to array the voids and the inserts in such a way that the insertion point (the intersection of the horizontal and vertical borders) always flexes with the overall length and width of the panel. My efforts either result in an array that is not locked to the panel, or overconstraint errors. What I cannot figure how to do is establish the first arrayed object location. When I make the solids and voids (circles) I turn on the centermark, but when I finish the sketch and then try to dimension to it, I cannot snap to that point. How do you dimension to a round objects centerpoint? But mainly, I am trying to lock the outer edges of my round objects to ref. lines/or planes but am not able to without generating constraint errors.


2007-11-29, 12:52 AM
Have you tried drawing the circular part using two arcs instead of a circle?