View Full Version : Long, long list of Keywords

2007-12-02, 12:50 PM
Hi All,
I am now two chapters down on my 'how to Visual basic.NET' book and have taken a glance at the reference section of the user manual (help system) to see there is a rather daunting list of keywords. (Chapter two is a getting aquainted with the IDE chapter)

Just a general question - is getting on top of these keywords a tough assignment in itself or is there a certain amount of logic to whole thing (once you have done the spadework to get to a beginning level).


2007-12-02, 08:28 PM
Visual Studio and Sharpdevelop both have excellent support for Intellisense. You don't need to learn every keyword, you'll probably find you use 30% of the keywords 80% of the time.


2007-12-02, 10:30 PM
Thanks Guy.

No need to sidetrack myself with that issue then.


Danny Polkinhorn
2007-12-10, 08:22 AM
If you're concerned about using one of the keywords inadvertently, VS colors them blue by default so they stand out from the rest of your code. You'll know if you trip across one. Sharpdevelop probably does this as well.