View Full Version : Network Support Files and a Slow(er) Network?

2007-12-04, 12:14 PM
How do you do this....?

In the interest of standardizing CADD by pushing some or all support files to the network - YET, keeping Autodesk app.'s (AutoCAD 2k8-(1) seat, 2k7 LT-(6) seats, TrueView) clicking faster in a small office:

Which support files are best left on the network? which on the local drive?
Also, reasons for the above would give me a better understanding.

My initial network support file assignment tests showed a warning message when I assigned (I believe it was) the 'temporary file' to the network location. That occurence, along with relative INEXPERIENCE about this subject, lead me to assigning only the following:

Plotting support files (.ctb, .stb, .pc3, etc.)
All others

Thanks for your input.

2007-12-04, 12:59 PM
I think it's more of a question of what are you trying to standardize. If network speed is an issue - then you should deal with that - not limit what you can standardize.

We share things like "acad.lsp", "acaddoc.lsp", "acad.pat", "acad.lin", "acad.pgp", the drawing templates, fonts, menus, icons, toolpalettes, PC3 and PMP files, CTB files, shape (SHX) files, etc.

2007-12-04, 06:07 PM
Thanks. So, any other support file set up produces NO warning messages.....


the warning message I received when assigning the 'temporary file' support path to the network. I suppose that's silly to start with. Just my luck...:cry:

I will give it this (networking support files) another attempt and will prove this out when I go there in a couple of days.

P.S.: I only do contract work there (about 40 hrs. / month via my employer)

2007-12-04, 06:20 PM
Yea, the TEMP folder should be local IMO. No reason to point that to a network share.

2007-12-04, 10:21 PM
Thanks. ALSO,...thanks many times over for your clear tutorials on customizing file support paths and "setting support paths via lisp". There next on my TO DO list since I have this issue nailed down!

That will do me.:lol: