View Full Version : How to make this kind of family wall?

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-04, 01:51 PM
I'd like to create a family wall like this with a profile integrated.
How to begin?
Thx a lot.

Andre Baros
2007-12-04, 02:33 PM
You can do this with an embedded reveal and sweep.

First draw the shapes you would like to cut and add as profiles, make sure to make them "hosted" I believe. Next, edit the wall properties and turn on the preview in section, bottom left hand corner. Then edit the reveals button and add a reveal using the profile you drew. You can set it a distance from the top or bottom of the wall, inside or outside, etc. Finally add a sweep based on the profile you drew. You can set materials, etc. all in the wall properties. The only issue you may run into is corners... corners which are not mitered have some issues.

Phil Read
2007-12-04, 02:38 PM
Another option is not to use a sweep for the middle solid - just a stacked wall with 3 portions. Then use a profile as a reveal to remove geometry from the middle portion of the wall.

Regards -


Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-04, 02:41 PM
Hmm gonna be a new experience for me....I'm going to decorticate your answer...

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-04, 05:04 PM
Another option is not to use a sweep for the middle solid - just a stacked wall with 3 portions. Then use a profile as a reveal to remove geometry from the middle portion of the wall.

Regards -


Hmm...do not know how to create stacked wall

Andre Baros
2007-12-04, 05:05 PM
I would highly recommend not using stacked walls. They are very inflexible and sometimes unstable. Sweeps have their own set of potential issues but they are easier to work around than stacked walls.

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-04, 05:30 PM
"First draw the shapes you would like to cut and add as profiles, make sure to make them "hosted" I believe"....
Does that mean that I have to create a new family profile?
I done it but can't add in my nex project...

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-04, 05:37 PM
Done it!...I made my profil...now...the wall with "embedded reveal and sweep."...

2007-12-04, 05:41 PM

Andre Baros
2007-12-04, 10:48 PM
Here are some key steps. Select your wall and edit it's properties. It doesn't matter which you place first, sweep or reveal, just match the settings of one to the other (mostly). Play with it, it works great.

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-05, 07:40 AM
Excellent, this morning I switch on my firefox and!...Yes, I've got new answers in augi!...great I'm gonna explorate all of this.

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-05, 10:37 AM
Yes! Excellent but not easy to use sweeps and reveals but it works!
I've got an other question..see the image and the question is :
Is it possible to configure my wall like this?

Pierre-Nelson NAVARRA
2007-12-05, 02:14 PM
I did it, here in attach'ment the configuration of my wall.
Thx for all.