View Full Version : Trouble with generic annotations

2007-12-04, 05:56 PM

Because of the trouble with transfering legends between project files, I started defininig my general notes and legends as an generic symbol.
My problem is that as I load the family into the project the text looses the right size alignment.
Also, the tab sizes in the change when loading. I made them 6mm instead of the 1/2" in both family / project and it goes wrong.
I attached my troubled family :(

Andre Carvalho
2007-12-04, 06:33 PM
Olá Gonçalo,

English follows bellow

Um pouco de português não faz mal a ninguém, não é?

Para resolver o seu problema, tente abrir a família da legenda, editar a família contendo o texto e ir até a opção Settings, Family Categories and Parameters e marcar a opção Keep text readable.

Isso deve fazer o seu texto funcionar normalmente.


Andre Carvalho

Try editing the legend family, then the text family and go to Settings, Family Categories and Parameters and activate Keep text readable.

It should solve your problem.


Andre Carvalho

2007-12-04, 06:40 PM
Andre Carvalho,

Just tried that out and it is not enough.

Mas obrigado de qualquer maneira pela tentativa ;)

2007-12-04, 07:02 PM
try creating a new text style with a different name from the standard text styles. Make sure all of your text is using this new text style in the family. When you load in the family, it will load in the new text style too.

2007-12-04, 07:06 PM
That didn't work too, Craig.

Andre Carvalho
2007-12-04, 07:20 PM
Well, I always try to avoid workarounds, but if you are in a rush to have it working you can always write the note in ACAD and bring it into your annotation family as a DWG.

That will make your text stay as it should.

Meanwhile, I'll try to figure it out where the problem is.


Andre Carvalho

2007-12-04, 07:36 PM
I just tried it and it works fine. Size and alignment were maintained. are you sure you named the font style differently and reloaded it into the family and then into the project?