View Full Version : Customizing your Family Library Browsing

2007-12-05, 01:53 PM
Hey there,
(Maybe there should be a new thread called, "What I learned at AU".)

If you want to set up a quick shortcut to your personal family library folder, modify the dialog box to include your personal folder.

1. Open "Settings>Options>File Locations"
2. Then add your personal file name where you store all of your personal families. (Use the browse button to locate your folder)
3. Adjust the location of the folder in the dialog box by using the up and down arrow keys.
4. And, voila!

The next time you go to load a family, you get your own folder in the dialog box, rather than having to go browse for it the long way. (Or at least I had to)

Good Luck and thank you AU!

2007-12-06, 10:31 AM
3. Adjust the location of the folder in the dialog box by using the up and down arrow keys.

that's a good tip in itself, thanks :)

2007-12-06, 03:27 PM
...a quick shortcut to your personal family library folder, modify the dialog box to include your personal folder...
This really is a great tip. Unless, of course, you work in a firm with a BIM or Design Applications Department with Baba Yaga in charge who would clobber you for maintaining a personal library instead of using network content or loading the things you make into a network WIP (Work-in-Progress) folder for all to share or placing it in the Project Family Library folder. :grin:

2007-12-06, 03:36 PM
This is very useful tip and a big time saver. To add to this you can copy these file locations to all your staff using the Revit.ini.
Once you setup your file locations in the dialog described above, they reside in the Revit.ini. you can copy the .ini around to your users or add these lines to your deployment.
One thing worth noting as well is that when you upgrade to the next build, your ini is overwritten and you'll lose your file location settings, so you'll want to keep a copy of the ini file.

2007-12-06, 09:12 PM
One thing worth noting as well is that when you upgrade to the next build, your ini is overwritten and you'll lose your file location settings, so you'll want to keep a copy of the ini file.

...Unless your deployment creates a new install folder like I usually do...So I dont lose the revit.ini and actually it remains on the local computer after uninstallation...my 2 cents.

2007-12-06, 10:10 PM
Once you setup your file locations in the dialog described above, they reside in the Revit.ini. you can copy the .ini around to your users or add these lines to your deployment..

Watch that if the system youhave copied the INI file from has had the Revit user name changed from the windows logon name. Everyone could end up with the same Revit user name which will really screw up your worksets.