View Full Version : Floors showing through Facade

Alex Page
2007-12-06, 03:45 AM
When I print to any printers, or lookat, export dwf, print to pdf the floors of my building show through the facade as per attached screenshot (printing raster/ vector, presentation quality doesnt make a difference). Refer 2x attachments. 'far away' is a blow up of the other one

These buildings are a series of linked files: When the perspective is close up, the floors dont show through, but as they get further away they do (ie: if I take a shot from the other direction, the floors show through the facade on the far away buildings, not the close one!)

Note this also happens on my elevations, the street elevation would be ~400 metres long and ~ 10 metres high.

A real problem for me to get signoff from relevant clients/ councils.

Is this a 'tolerance' error within Revit? Anyone seen this before?

2007-12-06, 04:09 AM
Are the floors in the same plane as the exterior wall? I see the exact same effect on roofs, where walls attached to the roofs show through, as do beams & joists. I've always had this issue and I don't like it either! It makes images look really bad.

Alex Page
2007-12-06, 07:10 PM
Nope...the walls are attached to the 'core' of the wall....~ 175mm inside of exterior cladding

2007-12-06, 11:55 PM
So the slab is touching or overlapping part of the wall.....sounds like the same issue I have with beams, joists and walls showing through roofs. I don't think there's a fix at this time and it is unrelated to OpenGL or Overlay planes. When I print a 3D view to PDF though, the effect is typically minimized.

Alex Page
2007-12-07, 12:58 AM
Thats my problem, when I print it it looks like those screenshots (elevations as well)

2007-12-13, 01:37 PM
To get through it, I would hide the floors temporarily.

Alex Page
2007-12-13, 05:29 PM
It sorted itself out, the next day all seemed fine.....even thou I have 4Gb Ram, Im thinking that it was a case of Windows XP getting tired during the day (as it does).....a shut-down and restart the next day solved it.

By the way, on that note, I close down my PC over lunch and notice a speed improvement compared to when I dont

Andre Carvalho
2007-12-13, 06:40 PM
By the way, on that note, I close down my PC over lunch and notice a speed improvement compared to when I dont

I'm used to work with huge buildings and from time to time I close Revit and empty the folder Documents and Settings\(your user name or loggin name)\Local Settings\Temp.

This gives new life to Revit after you open it again to work.


Andre Carvalho