View Full Version : Can't select a view on a sheet.

2007-12-07, 08:55 PM
Ok, I must be missing something totally obvious. I placed a view on a sheet and now I can't select the view. I need to move it. I can select the title block, but not the view. I searched but couldn't find any other thread on this. Has this happened to any of you? I've got to be missing something. Right?

Henry D
2007-12-07, 08:59 PM
Is your view locked by any chance?

2007-12-07, 09:05 PM
In your project browser, expand the sheets branch and then expand the Sheet branch that the view is on. Try selecting the view in question under that sheet. What happens?

2007-12-07, 10:12 PM
Is your view locked by any chance?
Locked? I didn't know that you could lock a view. How do I check that?

In your project browser, expand the sheets branch and then expand the Sheet branch that the view is on. Try selecting the view in question under that sheet. What happens?Ok. After, selecting the name of the view under the sheet, the view name turns blue. What next?

2007-12-08, 05:49 AM
Working on this very thing this afternoon. I found that if a view on a sheet is just about exactly coexistant with the titleblock box, you might have trouble selecting it - you'll get the titleblock first. Solution...use the TAB key to cycle down to the view.

Do you have hidden lines or reference lines in your titleblock? I have reference lines in mine to allow for drawing the UDS grids.

Henry D
2007-12-09, 12:21 PM
Locked? I didn't know that you could lock a view. How do I check that?
Ok. After, selecting the name of the view under the sheet, the view name turns blue. What next?

You can pin the view on the sheet. I mentioned this possibility because often I find that nothing happens when I am trying to edit an object and it's because it's locked and I can't see the pin.
This probably isn't what's happening, because a pin is usually very visible when a view is pinned to a sheet...anyway look to see if there are any pins.

2007-12-09, 06:11 PM
If you still can't grab the view per James' post, select the titleblock and hide it temporarily (HH). Now you should be able to pick your view easily...if not there must be something else. Another thing you can try is to expand the sheet tree to list the views on the sheet. Then select the view, right click and select "Remove from Sheet". Then place it back where you want it.

2007-12-10, 03:50 PM
Sorry, none of these are solutions. I tried them all long before I posted this question. And replacing the view is a last resort. I took a long time placing this view in this spot since Revit sux at placing things on sheets precisely. I only need to move it a few nudges to the right. Easy to do. Well, it should be. Not anymore. There must be a bug.

I just have to do what dbaldacchino said and continue hating this buggy incomplete program.

I think I'll ask my IT/Revit "experts" and maybe they'll send in a bug report.

Thanks for your help guys.

2007-12-10, 07:24 PM
So by temporarily hiding the titleblock, you still can't grab the view, even by tabbing? Have you tried zooming out really far to make sure you are grabbing it? I've had cases where the view extents were so huge that it seemed the view wasn't selecting, where it actually was (it also helps to keep your eye on the status bar when doing this).

Chad Smith
2007-12-10, 09:58 PM
See here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=65548). This is a possibility.

2007-12-10, 10:07 PM
Ohhhh, never happened to me (yet) and it's good to know! Great tip for the day Chad ;)

Make sure you keep the new overrides a secret from your users! Ohhh boy....

Chad Smith
2007-12-10, 10:10 PM
I've said from the start that the new element overrides/hiding in this version were going to be a problem is hunting down problems, and I can tell you that this one took me the longest.
Being on the context menu, it aint going to stay a secret for long with new users.

2007-12-11, 12:37 AM
That's true. During Design and Documentation, I would gladly live without it. But during Construction Administration, that tool has come in handy several times to quickly hide some elements to make things clearer to the contractor, instead of having to type phrases in the comments field (or create a custom parameter) so you can use filters to control visibility. It just gets things done faster. So, I vote for a disabling mechanism of the element overrides during certain phases of the project :lol:

2019-01-10, 05:00 PM
Do you have select pinned objects checked (under modify button, top left)? If the view is pinned and that isin't checked it will appear that the view can't be selected at all