View Full Version : Any suggestions

2003-07-21, 05:22 PM
Can anyone tell me what they would change as all imput is greatly appreciated.

2003-07-21, 06:08 PM
Change to the model or change to the rendering?

The model could do with some more articulation of planes, so a plinth or junction detail at wall/ground, something to lighten the deep soffits, some ariculation of column balcony and column steps junction. Also the walls don't seem to join the roof.

As far as the rendering goes, use a different material on the arched window lintels and cills, tone down your sky colour, show guttering or something, take a different angle so that you can see two faces of the house, make your glass less refelective or place some heavy trees or similar behind the camera (will reflect in the windows) or even put a couple of lights inside the building to bring up some interior detail.. Change the bed that the planting sits in from grass to dirt, use a brick with heathers or a similar multi tone in it and stick somethng behind the building so it doesn't look like you rendered this before Copernicus.

Long hard list, sorry, it wasn't meant to be that way but they are all pretty simple things to implement


2003-07-22, 08:04 AM
I think that if your used the corithian columns instead of the plain ones that would inhance it..
Maybe throw some concrete cast in place walls that would over lap the main entry and then run a cat-walk from those up to the 2nd floor.
And then give it a dome ceiling.
...Oh wake up timmie...This isnt your project..
No seriously it isnt too bad ...Go and experiment with the render materials and maybe even make up your own.
Its all trial and error..!
